Premium Essay

Mr I Am Here to Study


Submitted By ut123456
Words 1104
Pages 5
Tata decided that the best way to differentiate was to connect with the consumer at an emotional level, since competitors were focussing on the functional properties of salt.
So, while Tata salt had thus far been positioned on the rational aspects of 'purity', its new positioning would carry this proposition forward but within the larger context of the consumer's life, encompassing both rational and emotional manifestations of 'purity'.

In addition, being the market leader, Tata wanted to grow the market by increasing the user-base. Tata salt realised that there was nothing like strong 'leadership claim' to meet this end. It felt that elevating the brand to the status of a national icon, it could not only expand the user-base but also break free from the clutter.
Tata salt's greatest strength as a brand was derived from its association with trust. Its parent, the Tata group, had built its equity on the very concept of leadership with trust.
Thus the advertising strategy was aimed at rendering the twin messages of (1)purity (rational emotional expressions) of the brand and (2) its leadership position
Tata decided that the best way to differentiate was to connect with the consumer at an emotional level, since competitors were focussing on the functional properties of salt.
So, while Tata salt had thus far been positioned on the rational aspects of 'purity', its new positioning would carry this proposition forward but within the larger context of the consumer's life, encompassing both rational and emotional manifestations of 'purity'.

In addition, being the market leader, Tata wanted to grow the market by increasing the user-base. Tata salt realised that there was nothing like strong 'leadership claim' to meet this end. It felt that elevating the brand to the status of a national icon, it could not only expand the user-base but also break free from the

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