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Nationalism And America Compare And Contrast

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These two photos I picked not only show the prosperity of America, but also nationalism towards our country. Both these photos share many similarities and also many differences between them like the time and place for example. One of these photos were taken during World War II, this is one of the bloodiest wars not only in American history, but also in world history. Each of these photos have their own set of circumstances based the time they were taken. The first photo is called “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” this photo was taken during the Second World War. You can see five men trying to put the American flag up, these five men have probably gone through a very hard battle that day and them putting up the flag symbolizes the American Spirit. Looking at this first photo I see destruction and these five men struggling to put up the flag. In my opinion Americans often times band together in a time of struggle World War II being the struggle these men were going through so they came together to put up their nations symbol and what it represents being the land of the brave and home of the free. …show more content…
It seems like this photo was taken after the disaster of 9/11 you can see four men trying to put up the flag resembling the first photo. The second photo shows four firefighters in the midst of smoke and destruction trying to hang up a tattered American flag. This photo was taken at a moments notice after the destruction of 9/11 these men came together to put up their nations symbol. Like the first photo all of these men are coming together in a time of battle and disaster, the flag symbolizes the American spirit and the notion it has the home of the free and the home of the

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