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Non-Physical Abuse Women

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Exposure to any type of abuse is detrimental to a person’s physical and emotional wellbeing. For the purposes of this paper, the focus is on the mental, emotional or psychological abuse of women by their intimate partners. These terms are interchangeable and interrelated types of non-physical abuse. This perspective concentrates on the wellbeing of the victim only.
Who are the victims?
According to research by Chiu et al. (2013) adulthood physical and emotional abuse and lifetime sexual abuse was reported 85% more by women than men. Reports of abuse varied by race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Findings also determined an overlap between types of abuse and individuals who experienced childhood abuse had a greater risk of being abused …show more content…
They look like everyone and anyone, they can be from of any walk of life, any social standing from anywhere in the world. They can be either male or female and they can hold any occupation or position of power. Abuse is intentional, it is used mainly for the abuser to gain and maintain the control and power in intimate relationships. They have cultivated their behaviors over their lifetime in order to get what they want. Abusers usually have low self-esteem; they do not hold themselves accountable for their own actions and often blame their victims for their behavior when it is pointed out. The majority of abuse cases are men who abuse women, but there are women who abuse as well (, 2015). Abusers are typically experiencing some type of mental illness(es) of their own which effects their ability to maintain healthy relationships but this in no way makes abuse …show more content…
Typically abuse occurs in a repetitive cyclical manner over time where the abuser causes mental and/or physical harm to the victim. Rarely does abuse cease on its own, abusers typically continue such behavior until the victim gets help or worse. In some instances, a third party such as a family member or friend intercedes helping the cycle of abuse to stop. Abuse is predominantly reported by women but anyone of either gender, sexual orientation, any race, ethnicity, religion or social standing can be an abuser or a victim. Abuse can come in many forms or combinations such as physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial and

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