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Ok Corra;


Submitted By s11martinez
Words 326
Pages 2
Research Paper
“The Shooting at the Ok Corral” was a really entertainment part of the movie. The facts of the movie Tombstone are all just fictional because on real life all those facts are not the same as how they truly happened. The reason why the fact on the movie are all just fictional is because the history over the shooting on the ok corral says a lot difference facts. Especially that it is a movie they always try to change the things up a little bit so it can be interesting.
Although there are some events in the movie that are factual. One of the event that is factual is that Ike Clanton was really unarmed. ( Another event that was factual was when Virgil Earp raised is hand and told the cowboys to raised their hand and to give him their arms.( Another factual event is when frank told Holliday “I got you now” ( The other event that is factual is that in the movie shows that Wyatt Earp was the one who shoot the first. (
The event that I’m going to be contrasting is the ones that were not factual. The event that was not factual was that Billy Clanton was the first one to take his gun out. But I t wasn’t like that the real acts is that Ike grapples the pistol of Wyatt and that makes Wyatt shoot first. (( This other event was factual was that in the movie Billy and is staring at Doc Holliday and he doesn’t say s nothing and the facts are that Billy says that he actually doesn’t want to fight. ((

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