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On Line Social Sites


Submitted By wilma
Words 790
Pages 4

The research was conducted for the purpose of finding out the influence of social networking sites to the interpersonal relationship of first year AIT students of LSPU – SCC . Descriptive method of research was used, a questionnaire survey was also implemented to find the results. Purposive sampling was used to gather the respondents, they can be either male or female. The researchers used 110 students of the total first year AIT in College of Computer Studies . After the data gathering , it was encoded and tabulated to find the frequency, percentage and weighted mean. Of the 110 total respondents, 65 or 59 % are female and 45 or 41 % are male. They were at average age of 17.5 in female and 17.23 in male. On frequency of respondents in favorite SNS, number of hours usage, moments spend using SNS, priority of reasons in using SNS and number of friends on line, the respondents’ mean favorite site used is 93 respondents preferred Facebook as networking site, followed by 69 or 62 % who prefers other sites, 65 or 59 % prefers Youtube, 46 or 41 % prefer Twitter, while 44 or 40 % prefer Yahoo messenger. Out of 110 , there are 46 or 42 % who spend time with SNS in 30 to 1 hour, 44 or 44 % spent 2 to 3 hrs, while 13 or 11 % used 4 to 5 hrs, and only 7 or 6 % devoted 5 hours or more. In moments used in SNS, Out of 110 respondents , there are 16 or 14 % use SNS in vacant period, while only 2 or 2 %% do it during class, 4 or 3.6 % do SNS in before class and 88 or 80 % use SNS after their class. Out 110, there were different reasons why they use SNS, such as bumming around which ranked 1 , 84 or 76 % , 75 or 64 % ranked studying as 2, 73 or 63 % meet new friends on SNS, and 42 or 38 % both for UpdaIng with family and friends. Out of 110, there are 10 or 9 % who have 10 to 100 friends on line , 16 or 14.5 % have 101 to 200 friends, 9 or 8.1 have 201 to 300 friends, 12 or 10.9 % 301 to 400 friends and 63 or 57.2 has 401 or more friends meet on line. On the mean level of influence of SNS to the interpersonal relationship of the respondents with his Family, Friends and Teachers, that of 110 respondents, they rarely want to socialize more with family and friends, expressed in weighted mean of 2.74 , among respondents they always want to keep in touch with their family, with the weighted mean of 3.44, On statement number 3, respondents were able to established better communication with their family and relatives for 3.24 , On statement number 4, said that they express themselves better with the family becomes better always , expressed with 2.99. On statement number 5, said that their relationship with the family becomes better always , 17 or 26 % said that they often felt it , 16 or 25 % sometimes felt it becomes better , and 31 or 47 % said that 3.99 . Lastly, the respondents relationship with the family becomes better using SNS, with weighted mean of 2.83 . On Friends , the respondents felt they sometimes interact more with friends using SNS, it makes them in good terms with friends, they can expressed themselves more , they enjoy spending time with friends and meet more friends , this cane be seen on weighted mean of 3.05 , 2.75, 2.60, 2.57 and 2.53 . While on Teachers, it can be gleaned that respondents rarely spent time interacting with their teachers, verified by weighted mean of 2.25, while they learn thru chatting, and express themselves better, open up ideas with weighted mean of 2.40, 2.24 and gain confidence during on line communication. with 2.64 respectively.

Problem 4. Is there significant influence on using SNS and interpersonal relationship of students ??

Based from the result gathered, students varied in their reasons in using social networking sites, where studying is one of them, thereby, it improves their studies.

After the results , the following conclusions are derived:

The respondents built not so much strong relationship with their family, friends and Teachers.; and.that Social Networking Sites helped improve their studies, since they use the SNS in studying. From the conclusions, the following recommendations are enjoined:

1. Parents, Teachers and School Official may encourage students to use SNS but with proper guidance.; 2.Proper use of Social Networking Sites in a day, especially school days, prompting them not to meddle with sites that are prohibited; 3.Encourage students to use SNS in promoting good relationship with their family, relatives and friends .

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