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Organisation Footprint


Submitted By lliongc
Words 2292
Pages 10
Ahmad is the Sales Manager at Balakong-based furniture maker XYZ.
XYZ sell just over half of their furniture through ‘One Stop Furniture Store’ (OSFS): a retailer with branches throughout Klang Valley. OSFS have told Ahmad that they are embarking on a ‘Carbon Responsibility’ program and will be including the carbon footprint data of their 10 major suppliers in their next customer newsletter. This includes XYZ and their main competitors. Ahmad explains that XYZ have not undertaken a carbon footprint exercise, but that they consider themselves to be a green company. OSFS state that of the retailer's 10 major suppliers, XYZ is the only one with no information.

Ahmad asks for 2 weeks to come back with results for their carbon footprint. He calls James, a local environmental consultant, to ask if he can quickly process the data and calculate XYZ's carbon footprint. Background to the company
XYZ are a Balakong-based furniture maker founded in 2002. They design and hand craft wooden furniture using reclaimed wood, sourced from across Malaysia. 52% of their sales are made through their main retailer, OSFS, with the remaining sold through other, smaller retailers, or direct to the public through their showroom in The Pavillion. XYZ runs its business from four separate sites: a design and manufacturing centre, a distribution warehouse, a sales showroom and their head office. Carbon Footprinting
Climate change is occurring because humans are dramatically increasing the greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane - in the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels for energy and through deforestation.
Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the responsibility they need to take for their own carbon emissions. They are increasingly turning to carbon footprinting as a

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