Premium Essay

People Work Organization


Submitted By tonyyuan
Words 1471
Pages 6
1. The concept and function of reward In the Management Psychology, reward is to give recognition and praise for the people excellent behavior and encourage them to maintain this behavior. The purpose of the award is to encourage the advanced, motivate the staff's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, improve work capacity and service quality (Marc Bishop, 2005). The reward is a "stimulus" to social groups, allowing them to get strength. In the company, wages, bonuses, and public recognition are the details of the award. A smile of the boss in the critical moment, a look or a gesture is reward. Incentives can bring a lot of enhancement of life (Máire Kerrin, Nick Oliver, 2002). Therefore, let me take you to learn some of the knowledge of reward.

2.The principle of reward In order to enhance the role of rewards and incentives, we should pay attention to the following questions:
(1) Combination of material rewards and spiritual rewards: Rewards, can not engage in "money talks", can not engage in "the spirit of is universal ", combination of material reward and spiritual rewards is the best.
(2) Create a fine atmosphere of reward: If you want to make use of the role of reward, we should create an "advanced is glorious, dropped is disgraceful" atmosphere. Rewarding in the glorious atmosphere enable he winners be honor, and envy of mental state urges the loser to catch up.
(3)Reward in time: This can not only give full play to the role of reward, and allow employees to increase the emphasis on rewards, reward-after has become the "belated" which will not only weaken the role of the reward incentive, but also reduce enthusiasm.
Considering the recipients' needs and characteristics Reward which can meet the needs of the recipients will have the role of incentives, rewards should be noted that the recipients' need and preference and give

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