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Personal Narrative: Memoirs

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When I was 16, my mother left. One day she was there making breakfast, laughing and the next she just vanished. I waited; for a call, a letter, for anything but nothing ever came. My father told me she was not coming back, that we should just move on and forget about her. He kept the reason for her absence very simple the only way he knew how; she ran off with another man because she was miserable with her life and wanted to start over.

I remember when I was 6 years old, it was a charming summer day. The glow of the glistening sun, provided a warmth around the lush green meadow, upon where my mother and I lay. The grass was surprisingly soft, almost as if we were on a blanket of silk. I looked over to my mother, she was ravishing. The sunlight, highlighted her delicate features, making her look like a goddess. Her curled dark cherry hair shimmered under the luminous light as her hazel eyes gazed idly at the endless azure sky with the occasional cloud here and there. Back then she seemed so content with herself, her life. I remember we would spend hours on end out in the meadow. She would tell me stories of all the great adventures she had and how she longed to relive those memories. …show more content…
I wanted my mother to reveal herself, that this was just some twisted ploy to bring our family closer. That the three of us would just live happily ever after. But I knew that I was lying to myself, I guess you could say that it was my way of coping with the bitter reality that my mother had left us. The woman with whom I had shared so many of my fondest memories was gone just like that. Perhaps this was her way of revisiting her

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