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Perspective Paper


Submitted By heavenschosen1
Words 1407
Pages 6
Perspectives Paper In the world of psychology there are many perspectives, a few which will be looking at is of John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner and also that of Edward C. Tolman. They will also be contrasted and compared to each other in their views as to regarding how each perspective relates to the modern-day psychology. You will see the differences in their perspectives as well as what motivated them to come up with them. Each man had ideals of his own and ways that they expressed them and these were just some of those ways. They were behaviorist in their own right and their ideals to expand on their knowledge and to help society better itself come to pass with those ideals. Starting with John B. Watson, his perspectives were centered on classical conditioning. He believed that behaviorism was the way to go. It was the new movement. He believed that introspection forms no essential part of methods, nor is the scientific value of its data dependent upon readiness with which lend themselves to interpretation in terms of consciousness (Goodwin, (2008). He felt more comfortable around animals than he did humans when it came to studying psychology so he settled for studying functionalist psychology, especially comparative psychology. He started out his first study with rat mazes and the hypothesis about kinesthetic sense. It was done in 1907, in which they would remove parts of the rat’s senses in some, like the eyes, middle of the ears, whiskers, or by anesthetizing the rats feet. After doing this they would be put into the Hampton Court maze and amazing enough they, would still be able to maneuver through the maze with their senses and that by doing what they did to the rats their learning ability was not hindered. For the second study they shortened the maze and that put the rats in the long one in it to check their hypothesis and did

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