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Submitted By laureng92
Words 821
Pages 4
Assignment 1: Sensory Perceptions

PHI 210

Professor Carter

Lauren Vinson

Oct. 17, 2012

Human senses come in variety of ways from hearing, seeing, touching, feeling, and tasting. Our senses can also help with thinking and memory as well. When our senses help with our memory and thinking, it can make information accurate, and not false. Likewise, human senses do have its drawbacks. Being sick and tired can clutter human senses. We cannot smell certain things, due to the fact that our noises may be stuffed up because of a cold. Also, when humans are sick, hearing things can be a negative factor as well. Humans may not be able to hear good enough because their body is in a different state of mind, which is by being sick. It can slow down the body, and sometimes human’s body do not cooperate well when being sick. Meanwhile, the accuracy of sensory information is true due to the fact that, when it comes to touching, when someone touches something very cold their senses sends a message through their body to the brain, telling that they should remove their hand or finger. Another factor would be our sense of smell. For example, if someone is cooking in the house and forgot to set a timer for the food being cooked, they can tell when the food is being overcooked; because they will smell or sense a burnt smell throughout the house, letting them know that the food has been overcooked. When it comes to our senses as far as smelling, it can alert us on what may be going on as far as overcooked food, and also smoke from a fire. So therefore, that does explains why the accuracy of sensory information can be trusted. An additional reason for the accuracy of sensory information would be our sight. Our sense of sight provides truthful information, since we are able to see everything in front of us. For instance, if it’s raining, you know that the ground will be

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