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Planning for Success


Submitted By jessicabnavarro
Words 709
Pages 3
Jessica Navarro
University 103
January 27, 2016
Lauren Kelley
Planning for Success

I am originally from El Paso, Texas. I grew up in a close knit family of four. I could not ask for better parent and my sister is my best friend. I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness, my immediate family and extended family are devout Witnesses. It is not just a religion; it is a way of life. Although I have strayed from the religion, I believe this made me who I am today. I have biblical knowledge, which in turn has instilled values in me. One of my strengths is punctuality, I like to be on time because I know others time is valuable. I am a caring person, I listen to others and I will try to do anything I can for them. I am also ambitious; I have hopes to own a company or be a CEO. I also have weaknesses: I tend to procrastinate and be disorganized at times. Prior to GCU, I attended Western Technical College, a private college, and received an Associates of Applied Science in Physical Therapy. I had a very positive experience. The schedule was compatible with my daily life, I took one class at a time which allowed me to focus well, the director of the program was very helpful, my classmates were approachable, and I believe it prepared me for my career as a Physical Therapist Assistant. I had thought about enrolling at GCU for about a year, since I was pregnant with my daughter. My family is uneducated, but my husband’s family are all Master’s or Doctor’s. I noticed the difference in their way of life, and I immediately knew what path I wanted to show my daughter. Obviously, I expect to gain my degree, but I also hope to gain respect from my family as an educated, working woman. My short term academic goal is to achieve my Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration, and finish with a 3.8 GPA. I will finish this degree in two years, and I will apply for low to mid-level hospital administration positions. My long term goal is to get a PhD in Healthcare Administration by the time I am thirty. With that degree, I’d like to become a high level administrator for a hospital, and ultimately own my own consulting business. Ultimately, I want to give my daughter the best life I can. At the beginning of my career I can expect to make $60,000; with a PhD and more experience, I can make between $100,000 and $150,000. With this kind of income, my life will change drastically, I will have enough for the necessary, sometimes it seems I don’t even have enough for that now. Most importantly, I will be able to teach my daughter about the importance of education. There is a lot at stake, so in order for me to reach these goals I will have to stay focused. I will have to keep my “why” in mind at all times, I must not quit. I can learn from my current employer, he is a Doctor and owner of a large company in my town. He is a very smart business man, and I believe he would make a great mentor. He is a leader, not just a boss. And he has worked hard to build the company to what it is now. I admire him for all of these qualities. In ten years, I see myself being very busy. I will already have gotten a PhD, and I hope to be working as a hospital administrator in the southwestern United States. I will be a working wife and mother. In 20 years, I hope to have a healthcare consulting company and traveling as much as I can. I intend to give as much time and resources to others in need; I do so now, but I feel I will be able to help more if I have the means. To me, success is defined by memories. I intend to make the most of my life. The day that my daughter says she is proud of what I have done, is the day I will feel I have achieved success.

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