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Prison Use


Submitted By keithbenas
Words 316
Pages 2
Prison is used for many different reasons. When the word prison come up the first thing people think is a place where bad people go that have committed a crime. That is not always the case, prison can be a place where the mentally ill, prisoners of war, and even people who couldn’t pay what they owed.

Prison isn’t what you would call “home” and doesn’t have a clean, relax vibe. For an example the prison camps during the American Civil War were harsh and big on spreading diseases and with diseases comes death. In the 18th and 19th centurie when people weren’t able to pay back money they owed they would be put in jail to work off their debt. The rules still remain the same even today, if you were to not pay taxes there would be consequences which would mostly likely lead to jail time.

In prison there are 3 parts to security. First you have maxiumum which is the top and most scariest prisoners. Mainly for prisoners that have murdered someone, escape, or done a harsh crime. In maxiumum security there is cameras watching, the prisoners are locked in there cell for 22 ½ hours a day. They get a hour to exerscise than its back to the cell. Theres not much for them to do.

Next you have minimumu security which is a lot like a college campus they are for the prisoners that aren’t as violent as medium and maximum. Prisoners that didn’t have that bad of a record or served most of their time in a higher prison where here. There is usually more privelages given to someone serving at minimum sucurty but it Is still not the life you would want to live. It is considered the lowest if you are comparing it to medium and maxium.

Last you have medium which

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