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Pro Abortion Speech


Submitted By Liam12386
Words 833
Pages 4
Good morning/afternoon pro-life protestors,
For those who don't know me, I am Scientist Liam Smith, an expert in foetus development and, most importantly, a strong supporter of free will. I have been brought here to give you me and my colleagues research and give you a few thought-provoking arguments.

A foetus is not a viable person. This fact is small but enormously important when discussing terminations. The foetus is completely dependent on the mother. An persons age is calculated by birth date and feutuses are not counted in the census. Experts have decided 'that the word person does not include the unborn' which is a direct quote from the supreme US court. Even if a foetus was counted as a person, the "right to life" which is a fundamental right and one pro-life protesters, like yourself, use. However this right doesn’t imply a right to use somebody else’s body.for example, People have the right to refuse to donate their organs, even if doing so would save somebody else’s life. The "right to life" also doesn’t imply a right to live by threatening somebody else's life. An abortion is one of the safest medical procedures when done correctly, with less than .0.1 % chance of death. In stark contrast, the risk of dying whilst giving birth is 13 times higher. These are cold hard facts backed by studies, many done by myself.

Let me talk about the science behind feutuses, specifically the controversial study done on whether feutuses feel pain. Although there are outliers, there is an established body of evidence that finds that fetuses start developing the biological pathways related to pain sensation at about 20 weeks but there is not nearly enough evidence to suggest that they can actually experience pain. The majority of the scientific literature on the subject finds that the brain connections required to feel pain are not formed until at least 24 weeks,

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