Premium Essay

Purposeful Life


Submitted By Ayadll
Words 1510
Pages 7
Ayad Al Saadi
October 1, 2014
Purposeful Life Within this crowded and noisy life, I realized myself as a person having a name, personality, belonging and so on. All belong to me, like my parents, my brother, my game, my house and so like... Then, they told me go ahead and live your life; weave your way through the crowd; it’s your time, and you have the right to live and express yourself. Work hard, collect money, feel happy and enjoy your life ,then finally, make a family, have a nice house and car and a brilliant job to achieve the highest destination of success, and you are living a purposeful life. Amidst all the challenges from different religious, political parties, patriotic slogans, I must succeed and my success will be measured by how much my bank account is! Is that really my purposeful life? Is that really what is wanted from me to do? Are those my standards of happiness, joy and prosperity, as most people agree? I always was busy in evoking these questions and if so, why then do I feel miserable and a loser? Why do I feel boring most of the time in this beautiful land, where I am living with people from different cultures and backgrounds, in spite of developing technology and high standards of living that surround me everywhere? Or maybe this bored feeling is a normal behavior of human kind! So why do I still complain? Isn’t that enough for me to be happy and to enjoy this beautiful land which has been built and organized by our best and brilliant people? What is missing? Why do I have such a lonely feeling from time to time? Why am I not satisfied with all what has been and still achieved in my beautiful land? In addition to all that, I had such a belief, which I inherited from my parents, offers me the least to continue, and inspire me to tolerate the hardship of life and live doing my commitments? So why I am not happy! Why do

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