Premium Essay



Submitted By kimaniwamweya
Words 9000
Pages 36

Many companies want a lot of functionality over the web. Is it possible to achieve the same functionality on the web compared to an ordinary windows application? Our work aims towards evaluating which one of the solutions that is the best. Many customers wants a standalone application rich of functionality and demands to have the same functionality on the web. Is it always possible to achieve the costumer’s requirements on a web based solution or do you have to settle with an implementation of a standalone application? There are some factors that the answer depends on: performance, security, usability and implementation. The application that will be tested is developed in .Net and is a maintenance application for Business Intelligence (BI). We will have a short introduction to the Business Intelligence field to make you understand the purpose of the application.

Keywords: Data Warehouse, web based, standalone, .NET, Business Intelligence


Abstract i

Contents ii

1 Introduction 1

2 Background 3

2.1 Business Intelligence 3 2.1.1 The different steps in a Business Intelligence solution 4 2.2 Data Warehouse 4 2.3 Standalone vs. web based application 5 2.3.1 Standalone application 5 2.3.2 Web based application 5 2.3.3 Web or not from a Business Intelligence perspective 7

3 Method 9

3.1 Implementation 9 3.2 Performance 9 3.3 Security 9 3.4 Usability & Layout 10

4 Results 11

4.1 Implementation 11 4.2 Performance 13 4.3 Security 16 4.4 Usability & Layout 16

5 Analysis 19

5.1 Implementation 19 5.2 Performance 19 5.3 Security 20 5.4 Usability & Layout 21 5.5 Validity 21

6 Conclusion 22

7 References 23

8 Appendix 24

8.1 Appendix A – The different

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