Premium Essay

Recreational Fun


Submitted By runforestrun18
Words 574
Pages 3
Amazon’s market is a vast and filled with thousands of competitors. The online ecommerce market has grown exponentially with each passing year. With advancements in technology and new demography gain access to the web, online sales have grown and grown. The trend of Black Friday shopping for holiday gifts has slowed over the years. The new trend for shopping is purchases made on online vendor’s sites. The age of brick and mortar stores has been surpassed with ecommerce’s. The ability to purchase products internationally from home, has allowed consumers to enjoy the comforts of their own home to purchase any item the need or want. This phenomenon has caused a shift in markets. The new consumer market to purchase pretty much any product has turned from store fronts to online purchase.
So how does this affect Amazon? Amazon has established a brand name in the ecommerce market. Amazon provides customers with an online marketplace, where they can choose to either sell or purchase products from a wide diverse venue of vendors. The introduction of the new mobile platform for Amazon purchases, will drastically impact the market. Giving consumers faster delivery time from shopping local markets will drive consumers to make more purchases online. Other competitors such as Ebay, and other online competitors cannot compete with Amazons new faster delivery times will be a new factor that directly affects the markets.
What other factors can affect the market. Well there are three major factors that can affect how well Amazons new application will succeed in the introductory phase of the market. One of the biggest factors is introducing the application at the right time. If the product is introduced to early before any holiday shopping season, consumers could lose interest in the product. This will cause a failure to

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