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Ronald Reagan Persuasive Paper


Submitted By ahof
Words 1625
Pages 7
Alyssa Hofmann

Dr. Nathan Blank

POLS 1000

September 20, 2014
Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Election

Ronald Reagan was a jack of all trades. President Reagan wanted the best for the American people. He didn’t want Americans to be so reliant on the government. This started the innovative program called the Reagan Revolution.
While in college Ronald Reagan became interested in acting, but instead decided to become a radio sports announcer. He eventually moved to Chicago where he became the announcer for the Chicago Cubs baseball team. Reagan was in California with the Cubs for spring training and was screened by Warner Brothers and won a contract. He then appeared in 53 films. Granted not all of his films were great ones, but he did do very well and went after what he wanted. Some of the films he starred in were actually used against him during the campaign. They made fun of him because he was in a movie with a monkey. After Reagan’s acting career took off, he became more interested in politics and decided to run for governor of California in 1966, winning by a margin of one millions votes. Some people tended to disagree with the way he was running the state because he raised the state’s taxes, but he also lowered the state’s debt. Even through this controversy he was reelected as governor in 1970. Most Democrats laughed at Reagan running for governor because of some of his movies, and because his costar was a chimp in some of them.
In 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected our 40th president, and also the oldest president to be voted in, at the age of 69. After only being in office for 69 days, he was shot by a-would be assassin. He was shot in his lung, close to his heart. He recovered quickly and returned to work stronger than ever. The shooting had unfortunately left his press secretary permanently disabled from a head wound he sustained during the

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