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Root Canal Case Study

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(1) Dentists use root abutments to improve the support of complete denture and slow alveolar resorption process and for long term serviceability of denture. Root abutments offer a realistic alternative for patients who might lose their remaining natural teeth.
Studies have been made on a group of patients to test the support of root abutments. In each case they started by extracting the remaining teeth in one jaw and examined clinically and radiographically to make sure root canal treatment can be made and that there is periodontal support available for the denture. After root canal treatment was made, they were sealed with amalgam and topical fluoride, then the application of gold copings. Finally the process of gingivectomy takes place. …show more content…
One patient suffered from plaque deposition on abutment teeth due to insufficient oral hygiene. Gold copings protect root surface but are expensive which makes the treatment overall expensive. Most of the time canines are used as abutments because they are frequently the last teeth to be lost in the jaw because of their large root surface area.
Root canal treatment was not possible in some teeth due to presence of calcification in roots which prevented the technique from being made in some patients because in order for the technique to be complete, root canal treatment should occur.
Doctors also observed the changes in alveolar process pattern after the complete dentures were worn. Analysis of study cases were made to follow up with the patients concerning alveolar resorption process and the results were that root abutments slow down the process of alveolar resorption and maintains the denture base fit in its …show more content…
Stability can be decreased by cuspal interference. High occlusal plains also reduce stability in the denture. Stability can also be minimized if the teeth are set outside the ridge. Posterior teeth should be set directly over the crest of the ridge. Proper relief of hard areas in the denture for example,in the area of median palatine raphe and torus palatinus, result in instability and rocking of the denture which leads to fracture. A factor that improves stability of a denture is high well developed ridges with vertical walls that resist lateral forces. Another factor that promotes excellent denture stability is a high arched vault that is resistant to lateral stresses. Shallow arch vaults reduce stability.
Removing the denture by applying forces in direction opposite to the restoration seat is used for retention testing. Application of force in the same direction as the way the doctor seated the denture and recognizing any movement, is a way of testing stability. A denture may be retained perfectly but still get displaced by direct occlusal

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