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School Bullies


Submitted By reachemae
Words 869
Pages 4
School Bullies

Maureen Downey, Reporter
Editor Title:
Is the intense focus on bullying in schools changing kids or overloading them? Student: English 135 Letter to the editor 7/9/14

School Bullies I’m writing in reply to Maureen Downey’s “Is the intense focus on bullying in schools changing kids or overloading them?” feature of the Atlanta Journal Constitution’s guest blog. Lately parents have to worry about their children safety while they’re in school, tell me this, what good are the administrations, if they can’t do a simple thing, like protecting the students? Bukhari definition of bullying, “Bullying is an abuse of power that takes the form of ongoing aggression involving words or actions by individuals or groups. And directed towards particular victims who are unable to defend themselves”. From my point of view as a victim I think that there should be more penalty toward school bullies. Their victims suffer a lot of humiliation and there got to be an end to this misery. I strongly agree with you when said “No child should have to live with daily harassment or torment at school”. Bullying is becoming widespread within the school systems all over the world. First, is Bullying is becoming widespread within the school systems? Children are afraid of attending school because they are afraid of being beat, tease, and humiliated. Should they be going through these trial and tribulation or should be enjoying their youthful years in a stress free environment? Of course, parents cannot protect their children from every episode of rudeness or hurtful words. Even though they cannot protect their child from every episode, authorities can put a stop to these situations before they escalate to life or death experience. According to U.S.News & World Report, “Despite widespread efforts to deal with the problem, bullying is a

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