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Side Effects Of Xanax Research Paper

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Some side effects of Xanax are drowsiness, dizziness, and increased saliva production. The more serious side effects of Xanax is mental changes, slurred speech, hallucinations, memory problems, and loss of coordination. “Alprazolam is used by drug addicts and has become a popular party drug during the last decade.” (Vester) Signs and symptoms of Xanax abuse are more likely noticed when a person has reached high levels of consumption. A person who has become dependent on this drug- which means they have come to rely on this drug psychologically as well being physically addicted-will probably need rehabilitation before they are able to embark on a new, sober life. When a person is addicted, they have found an escape from certain life problems …show more content…
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Joris C. Vester and Edmund R. Volkerts. "Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Efficacy, and Behavioral Toxicity of Alprazolam: A Review of the LIterature." (2006). Web. 8 December 2015.
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