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Sustainable Monitoring Systems


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Monitoring sustainability with a monitoring system that is itself sustainable: addressing the cause and the symptoms

Department of Agriculture and Centre for Management of Arid Environments

PO Box 483 Northam, Western Australia, 6401 Ph 08 9690 2000 Fax 08 9622 1902

Department of Agriculture and Tropical Savannas CRC

Kununurra, Western Australia

ABSTRACT Throughout the 1970s and 1980s much effort was expended on a range monitoring program in Western Australia. Unfortunately, much of the system put in place is now inactive. Such a situation is not unique and the rangelands of the world are littered with monitoring sites that are no longer part of an operating system. A need has emerged for a biodiversity monitoring system in the rangelands and the discussion is currently at the point where the range management discipline was in the early 1970s. Efficiencies can be made when developing the biodiversity monitoring system by learning from the experience of the range management profession. Monitoring sustainability will only be possible if the monitoring system is itself sustainable. We suggest a number of attributes for the system that need to be in place before the system can be judged at all sustainable. These attributes are a mix of biophysical, social and institutional and highlight the view that monitoring systems of the type being suggested constitute an unusual mixture of attributes not found in typical scientific activity. The monitoring system is dependent on all of these attributes to function. If any one of them fails, the system fails.

INTRODUCTION Range (and presumably biodiversity) monitoring systems should be expected to have useful lives of fifty years or more (Wilcox 1988). While 2053 seems a long way off, consider the benefits that would be available to land managers if good monitoring information was currently available from 1953 onwards.

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Rangeland monitoring in Australia had a number of false starts since first proposed in the early 1970s (Lendon and Lemacraft 1976). By 2002, only the NSW Rangeland Assessment Program (Green et al. 2001) TRAPS in Queensland (Burrows et al. 2002) and the Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS) in the Kimberley (Watson et al. 2001) had been through a complete cycle of reassessment. The current WARMS program began in 1992 but grew out of several earlier systems dating to the 1970s. Several directional changes ensured that over 20 years was spent developing the system and only now is it really beginning to produce a bulk of useful information. Embarking on a long-term monitoring program is a big commitment for any agency, and administrative continuity is essential for the scheme to be successful (Spellerberg 1991). Perhaps that is why there are so few operational monitoring systems worldwide and so many systems in which sites have been installed but have not continued to be reassessed. Westoby (1991) noted that long-term ecological research projects generally persisted only because of the commitment of individual scientists, very few projects have passed to the second generation. Range monitoring on a statewide scale demands the support of many individuals within an organisation. The 33 years since range monitoring research began in Western Australia and 22 years since a formal range monitoring program was adopted have seen massive turnover in staff, and none of the original staff remain employed by the agency. Whitehead et al. (2001) developed an analytical framework for monitoring biodiversity in Australia’s rangelands containing a minimum set of 11 indicators. The techniques for data collection included administrative collation (e.g. progress towards a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system) repeated assessment on permanent point based sites (e.g. cover of native perennials), resampling of landmark wildlife surveys (e.g. trends in susceptible mammals) and remote sensing (e.g. clearing of native vegetation). The National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity (Anon 1996) also proposed a national coordinated program of long term monitoring based largely on a combination of remote sensing and a “national network of secure field based monitoring sites in representative habitats”. Hopkins and McKenzie (1994) also proposed a series of permanently marked monitoring benchmarks for monitoring trends in biodiversity in arid and semi-arid Australia. While it is not yet clear the form a biodiversity monitoring system for Australia’s rangelands might take, it is clear that a large component of the program will involve repeated sampling of widely spaced permanent sites to some agreed standard. This paper is focused on such a component, which will have many similarities to existing range monitoring systems.

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Planning for the new system can be aided by considering the experiences gained from range monitoring systems. The paper considers some of the issues associated with implementing a wide area long term monitoring system. Many of the issues arise because a monitoring system of this type is a different form of scientific pursuit to typical research projects and this has multiple effects on the design and implementation of an operational system. The paper discusses a number of components of a sustainable monitoring system, all of which need to to be addressed to keep the system functioning. The issues discussed include institutional and social factors, just as important as the fundamental biophysical factors associated with developing the monitoring program.

DESIGN ISSUES FOR LONG-TERM MONITORING SYSTEMS There is increasing demand for a biodiversity monitoring system to be implemented across Australia’s rangelands (Anon 1996). The huge area of Australia’s rangelands (5,916,000 km2 ) and the nature of change in biological systems means that any biodiversity monitoring system will need to be both wide area and decadal in scope. Fifty years is too far into the future for government managers and scientists to consider. Therefore, in this paper we consider a time frame of only 20 years, a period not uncommonly served by professionals working for academic institutions or state and territory government agencies.

What are the differences between monitoring systems and other scientific activity Academic institutions and state and Commonwealth government agencies are accustomed to a range of scientific activities. However, they have less experience with operational monitoring systems and there are important differences between the two activities. The major generic differences between long term monitoring and typical scientific activity relate to the need to collect identical/similar data multiple times, the long time scale involved and the consequent judgements that are made about cost and benefit. Monitoring is concerned with detecting change over time (West et al. 1994). This almost certainly means re-sampling the same site multiple times. Most research activities sample only once i.e. when a control and treatment are imposed simultaneously or twice such as when detecting change after imposing a treatment. Many changes in rangelands occur at decadal timescales at least. Long term monitoring therefore implies ongoing activity of at least a decade. Most research activities have a life of

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only several years. While it is true that many research studies are not once-off but are the next stage in an ongoing research process, research projects typically represent discrete activities, particularly when externally funded. Research activities investigating long term processes often substitute space (such as distance from water) for time (e.g. Hacker 1987). Typical research activities fit neatly within an adaptive system. In response to questions of interest, hypotheses are developed, then tested and the outcomes of the research reviewed. This inevitably raises further questions for which further hypotheses are then developed. Those hypotheses chosen to test are based on judgements of the optimal chance of success for the next phase of the research process. This cycle continues while the funding and personnel are available to work on a particular research topic. Over time, the sum of knowledge increases as each tested hypothesis addresses an additional complexity. Crucially, the technique or method of testing may vary substantially over time and may well shift to completely separate disciplines as the research topic progresses. Operational monitoring systems do not fit well into an adaptive cycle because of the need to maintain similar or identical data collection over time. There is very limited opportunity for review. Implementation of the monitoring system can never wait until the science is completed. Best bet options are invariably chosen with the consequent risk that sometime in the future they will be shown to be inadequate. The benefits to flow from long term monitoring take at least a single reassessment cycle (e.g. 5-10 years) to be realised. Prior to that, the system has asset value only. By contrast, the benefits flowing from discrete research projects commonly lag by only one or two years, particularly in applied sciences like agriculture. The consequence of this is that monitoring is a long term and ongoing investment for any agency, with benefits only evident some years into the program. Annual budgetary reviews and short term budgetary cycles are not well adapted to dealing with these circumstances, even though it is occasionally acknowledged (Anon 1996). The evidence for this is clear. The best examples of long term, repeated assessment are limited to small projects, restricted in area and scope and made possible only by the subterranean efforts of individuals or small groups (Sinclair 1996, Freudenberger 1997, Bastin et al. 2000) often using funds scavenged from other projects’ budgets or even through public donation.

What additional differences are there because of the wide area, decadal scale system needed? There are additional differences between the kind of monitoring system proposed to

monitor biodiversity in Australia’s rangeland s (e.g. Anon 1996, Whitehead et al. 2001) and

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more typical scientific activity. The system will need to be both wide area and to address change over decadal timescales. Wide area monitoring implies doing the same thing, at roughly the same time, in multiple places, in this case across 70% of Australia. By definition this implies training multiple staff in multiple locations to sample to a required standard. Almost certainly, these staff will come from a range of government agencies and resourcing needs will need to be negotiated with each agency separately.

The way the world works has changed since 1983 This statement, is of course not true; nature operates the same way now as it did 20 years ago. However, the underlying ecological models that are used to help understand the world can change radically over that time. A monitoring system begun in 1983 based on Clementsian succession and with a vegetation focus, would need to continue to be relevant to the changing ecological models over the last 20 years. Prior to the 1980s, indeed for most of the 20th Century, the range management discipline understood the world to operate in terms of Clementsian succession (Clements 1936) particularly as articulated by Dyksterhuis (1949) for the assessment of range conditio n. Ian Noble’s keynote address from the Second International Rangelands Congress in 1984 perfectly captured the emerging view that rangeland dynamics were event driven (Noble 1986). This event driven world view was then subsumed by a paper that suggested that rangeland dynamics could best be understood in terms of a State and Transition model (Westoby et al. 1989). The early 1990s saw a massive uptake in the rangeland community of the State and Transition model with many journal papers and at least one jour nal issue (Tropical Grasslands 28(4), 1994) given over entirely to S&T models. The late 1990s saw an emphasis on landscape function (Ludwig et al. 1997). Undoubtedly, the prevailing world view at the time will heavily influence the design of the monitoring system. An event driven world necessitates sampling more frequently to capture the event (Thornes and Brunsden 1977). A State and Transition world means having some contingency activities in place to capture transitions as well as having multiple possible states for single sites (important when selecting sites). A landscape function world moves the focus from assessing only biotic attributes to monitoring a broader range of bio-physical attributes such as lacunarity (Bastin et al. 2002).

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The institutional environment Those state and Commonwealth agencies with a responsibility for land and biodiversity management have a habit of being restructured, sometimes multiple times per decade. The priorities of restructured agencies are often less stable than those of continuing agencies, even for those activities that might be considered universal, such as resource monitoring. Also, the work groups conducting the monitoring often move between agencies. Imagine the number of internal restructures, altered management structures and Program Managers that a monitoring system might have to deal with over a period of 20 years. Institutions don’t easily commit funding for decadal time scales, yet long term monitoring systems need some assurance of continued funding.

Meeting multiple objectives and objectives that change over time Research projects need to satisfy a limited number of objectives. In well planned research projects the objectives remain constant throughout the life of the project. However, neither of these are likely for wide area long term monitoring programs. Almost certainly, given the nature of the task, there will be multiple objectives for an Australia wide biodiversity monitoring system from the outset (see Proceedings of this Alice Springs workshop – expert technical workshop on biodiversity monitoring Oct 2002). Equally certainly, these objectives will change over the life of the program. Neither biodiversity, nor Ecologically Sustainable Development were widely used terms in 1983 and it is likely that the objectives for a biodiversity monitoring system in 2023 will be driven by terms either not invented or not widely used in 2003. Although we don’t know what they are yet, it is inevitable that the biodiversity monitoring system will be expected to ans wer questions that have not yet been asked.

The social environment Most research projects and even research programs are maintained by staff who remain in the position for the duration of the project. Most of the work in the projects is done by these same staff, who are generally the beneficiaries of the research outcomes, in the sense of job satisfaction and career enhancement. Long term, wide area monitoring systems differ in that they require several generations of staff, those involved in sampling will be widely dispersed and many will receive no direct benefit from the system, often being used almost as contract labour in the sampling program. If not well managed this can lead to a lack of commitment by staff, particularly regionally based, who see the system as being driven by remote managers for objectives that do not

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directly relate to the local environment. If this occurs, data quality inevitably suffers. This is a real issue for a biodiversity monitoring system with a national focus. The subject is repeatedly raised by range monitoring system managers who need only to deal with staff within their own agency, working on an activity whose objectives are well aligned with the agency they work for. The continuity of monitoring funding does not sit well with the temperaments of funders. Continued funding of monitoring systems becomes “boring” for managers, many of whom are accustomed to funding new and “exciting” research and resent having to continuously fund the same old activities.

Outline of the extant system A range monitoring system currently operates across the 980,000 km2 of pastoral rangelands in Western Australia (Error! Reference source not found. ). The system developed over 20 years and many resources were expended on activities that were subsequently discontinued.

Figure 1 The location of 1,600 WARMS sites, coloured by year of assessment. The greyed areas denote land held under pastoral tenure and the khaki linework denotes Interim Biogeographical Regionalisation

Page 8 of Australia boundaries. The heavy green line in the south west shows the demarcation between rangelands and the agricultural areas.

The Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS) has a primary industry focus and is designed to report at regional or vegetation type scale (Watson et al. 2001). There are about 1,600 permanent sites. Of these, there are about 630 grassland sites in the Kimberley and Pilbara and almost 1,000 shrubland sites from the southern Pilbara through to the Nullarbor. The Kimberley sites are reassessed on 3 yr cycle, elsewhere on a 5 or 6 yr cycle. The primary attributes assessed relate to perennial vegetation. On Grassland sites, the frequency of all perennial vegetation (mostly grasses) and crown cover estimate of woody vegetation is recorded. On Shrubland sites a direct census technique is used as as well as estimates of crown size (width and height) of all woody species. Landscape Function Analysis (Tongway 1994, Tongway and Hindley 1995) is assessed on all sites and all sites have a standard photo. The system in its current form began in 1992 but emerged from several older systems dating back to the early 1970s.

History of its development Quantification of the patterns and dynamics of the shrub layer provided the basis for rangeland monitoring in Western Australia’s arid shrublands. This stemmed from an acknowledgement of the role of shrubs in animal production and resource stability and their use as indicators of range condition. Direct, although poorly documented, experience of shrub dynamics was gained mostly via a series of exclosures built in the mid to late 1950s and through subsequent exclosures built in the late 1960s and early 1970s throughout the upper and west Gascoyne and in the north-east Goldfields. Early recordings of these latter sites used direct census of individual shrubs but in the mid 1980s this was dropped in favour of counts and size estimates only. Direct census of individuals became a key feature of shrub sampling within a number of ecological studies and grazing trials conducted by the Department of Agriculture Western Australia such as at Yeelirrie (1973-1982; Gardiner 1986a,b), Yerilla (1986-1990; Fletcher 1991), Coodardy (1981-1989; Yan et al. 1996), Boolathana (1987-1993, Watson et al. 1997) and WARMS benchmarks from 1986 onwards. The original rationale for range monitoring in Western Australia came from a need to provide information to government on the resource base used by the state’s pastoralist operatio ns (Carneggie et al. 1971). In keeping with a general feeling that landholders themselves were best placed to exercise controls over grazing pressure (Wilcox 1988) monitoring subsequently came to be seen as a way of providing station managers with direct, objective feedback on the effect of their management decisions on the base resource.

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Initial attempts at developing a shrubland monitoring system began in 1970 using low altitude aerial photography of permanent flightlines (Carneggie et al. 1971). Over the next decade about 140 flightlines were installed (Holm 1986) mostly on properties in the Gascoyne and Ashburton catchments (Holm 1993a). These flightlines remain in place but do not form an active part of the current monitoring system. Between 1974 and 1978 a density sampling technique that came to be called HMW (Hacker-Morrissey-Wilcox) was developed but subsequently discarded. In 1975, the use of fixed ground-based photopoints was developed as a direct aid for pastoral management (Morrissey 1976). Almost 500 such sites were installed between 1975 and 1982 (Holm 1993a) and this period represents the zenith of WARMS commitment to individual pastoral operations with some data remaining confidential to individual stations. The technique remains, in refined form, a current part of WARMS. By 1980, fixed belt transects were used to record shrub counts and individual plant size. In 1981 this technique and its consequent conventions were formalised as the focus for WARMS (Holm et al. 1987). Several thousand sites, including almost 1,000 sites with permanent transects were installed by 1993. A large proportion of these sites were installed within externally funded projects. In order to aid in the interpretation of changes on the monitoring sites a network of fenced benchmarks was installed, mostly between 1984 and 1987. Unfenced reference sites were also installed at sites beyond normal stock grazing radius. Direct census of shrub populations was used in benchmark sites from 1986 onwards. This meant that individual plants could be followed over time. By contrast, all other sites were recorded as described by Holm et al. (1987), i.e. locations of individual shrubs were not determined but populations were counted within sub-sections of permanent belt transects. Following a review of WARMS in 1992 substantial changes were made to the program. The largest technical change was that direct census of individually located shrubs was applied to all shrubland sites. Because of the increased time involved in such a sampling technique and the decrease in funding for the entire program the number of sites actively remaining in WARMS declined dramatically. Rather than aiming to have one or two sites within each paddock of a property, only a maximum of several sites per station would be installed. WARMS came to be a two- layered system, being quantitative for “Parliament, its agencies and the community” and photo-point based for pastoralists (Holm 1993b).

Lessons to be learnt from this history What are the key points that need to be exc ised from this history that can be used to inform the development of a biodiversity monitoring system?

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There was considerable history of basic research on the attributes we decided to assess on the sites. In this case, the dynamics of the woody vegetation. (in later years this was severely questioned by those taking a more landscape process world view)

Despite recognition of the appropriate attribute to assess, our technique varied over time (flightlines, HMW, photo sites, density and size, complete census and size). At various times, decisions were made to implement at least a semi-operational monitoring system using a particular technique (e.g. flightlines) only to later discard that technique and set of sites for a new technique.

• • • •

Our objectives changed over time with an original focus for government – then for government and individual land managers - now back to government. The enthusiasm to implement the system, combined with external funding to install, allowed far more sites to be installed than could ever be re-assessed using core funding. Confidence in the system was misplaced, being largely based on the number of sites installed and not on the ability to manage the system well. The logistical realities of the system were not faced in the early years, because of the enthusiasm to keep installing new sites.

What are the components of a sustainable monitoring system A number of components are essential to a successful monitoring program (Error! Reference source not found. ) and unless these are all addressed, the system itself is destined to fail. Superficially, these components are not very different to those of a more typical scientific activity. However, failure in most research projects can be limited in time. At worst, only three or so years of activity need to be written-off. At best, unexpected results can be salvaged from a failed project. The important point is that a new research project can begin unencumbered by the failure of an earlier project. Operational monitoring systems do not have that luxury.

Long term institutional commitment – Without this fundamental support, staff and resources cannot be assured. Commitment is also required to set a clear objective for the monitoring, anchored in a strategic basis with a long term view. This is best delivered in an institutional manner, rather than as an “interesting question “ developed by an individual or small group of researchers with a restricted view.

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Financial backing on a long term basis – No institutio n will guarantee long term funding. However, without at least some assurance of continuing funding there is no good reason to begin implementing the system. Logistically possible – The sampling program needs to be achievable. This is a significant issue for widely spaced sites in remote areas. It is rendered even more significant if seasonal conditions only allow a short window to sample either due to access difficulties commonly experienced in the tropical savannas or because the biota of interest are ephe meral (even worse if they are facultative recruiters because one can’t plan a sampling program). Sufficient numbers of well skilled, competent staff need to be available for the task. This often means using staff in remote areas. Training, quality assurance and securing the staff resources are three big issues.

Long term institutional commitment

Policy legislative Executive support Champions and drivers

Confidence in the system, education of end users

Financial backing on a long term YIYO basis Methodology (incl R&D) Logistically possible

Data storage

Data management

Analysis and interpretation Information

Figure 2 Long term monitoring systems need to have the following components in place. (This diagram still a bit rough – will redo after some feedback in Alice)

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Data storage and management – Monitoring systems can produce enormous amounts of data. Multiple people in multiple locations will collect many of these data. Good data management protocols are essential to ensure that databases are populated with clean data. The databases themselves need to be well designed to handle the complex relationships that time sequential data requires, yet should be sufficiently user friendly that multiple people in multiple locations can extract useful information. Often, this is a neglected part of the program and the real costs are not recognised. For example, Edwards et al. (submitted) estimate that about 15% of the total cost (or ~30% of personnel costs) are needed for data preparation/management Methods/techniques – Cite any number of papers that stress the need to get the technique right. Reiterate that there is limited if any opportunity for adaptive management to improve the technique once the system is implemented. Analysis and interpretation – Self evident but it is a real weakness with range monitoring systems. Such a lot of effort has been put into the institutional and logistical components that the real science has been neglected. This partly due to procrastination, to the feeling that there are always several more years before enough data are available for analysis. Information – Without producing relevant information products in plain English, the outputs of the monitoring system will rarely be used. The temptation is to output large amounts of data, but only minimal amounts of information. Confidence in the system – Confidence in the system is an abstract, but underlying issue. Confidence is needed at all levels, from the staff asked to do the sampling, the biometricians brought in to help analyse, the champions and drivers of the system within middle management and the Executive (as well as Ministers, Chairs of peak groups etc). Without confidence, the system is weakened throughout.

Idealised timeline for a biodiversity monitoring system for Australia’s rangelands The following timeline is based on a five year reassessment cycle. • • • • • Define objectives and broad agreement on outputs from the system – 1-1.5 years Negotiate and lock in institutional support across government for logistical aspects – 12 years Secure long term funding – 2-3 years Develop stratification criteria and site selection protocols – 2-3 years Review R&D on known relationships between attributes of interest and indicators – 1 year

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• • • • • • • •

Prepare R&D program (link studies) to address specific issues related to attribute and indicators – 1-2 years Implement R&D program – 3-6 years Begin installing sites based on best bet – 3-8 years Add additional metrics as R&D program results kick in – 5-13 years Put together database and data management protocols – 4-6 years All sites installed by (perhaps with limited set of metrics assessed until R&D kicks in) – 8 years First reassessment complete – 13 years First report on complete monitoring cycle – 15 years

CONCLUSIONS Embarking on a long term monitoring program should only occur once an assessment is made that the optimal way to inform management is through information collected in a monitoring system. If the monitoring system is implemented simply on the basis that “it is a good thing to have a monitoring system” then the vagaries of time and changes in priorities will make it vulnerable and ultimately unsustainable. It is important to recognise that this is the fundamental cause of failure. Many of the issues raised in the paper represent symptoms of failure, brought about by no t considering the cause. These issues include: confused objectives or objectives that change over time; changes in techniques that render earlier data useless; the logistical requirements of the system need to be recognised early on; systems that develop rather than being planned are difficult to sustain, since enthusiasm drives the development but can’t hope to keep it going; systems that are based on external funding are vulnerable unless core funding can be found to sustain them (not only an issue of ongoing funding but also because over enthusiastic site installation with external funding cannot be supported with core funding); data that isn’t archived well cripples the system when outputs are required. Those funding and / or implementing the monitoring system need to understand the implications of the system design. They need to accept that there will be a considerable period (in a budget cycle sense) before good change information becomes available. They also need to consider to what extent the issues and objectives can change over time before the monitoring system is no longer useful.

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Finally, we believe that substantial effort needs to be put into determining the need for the monitoring system with funders and policy makers before deciding whether to proceed with system design. Monitoring systems are only tools, designed to help address issues, they should not be seen as ends in themselves.

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Ups Daid System

...How Information System Transformed Package Delivery Business By: Tricia Jones Information technology has transformed tremendously over the years for UPS package business. The DIAD system enabled the drivers to make all of his or her deliveries without errors. For example, if the driver tries to deliver a package to the wrong customer he alerted that it is an incorrect delivery, which in turn eliminates driver error and helps to save the company money and makes the customer happy, by them getting their package on time. The DAID system has allowed for greater mobility and flexibility in the package delivery operations of UPS. It also allows UPS to track packages worldwide with its GPS and Bluetooth software. Information can be sent wirelessly which in fact would decrease the transit time, but increases reliability. UPS can also keep in touch with the driver at any time of the day via text message for whatever reasons. The UPS technology offer customers many option in keeping up with their package. From tracking their own package, freight planning, freight truck packaging optimization, in addition to basic shipment of packages. UPS has certainly achieve its objectives in many different aspect of the company. They have become more competitive, efficient and profitable. UPS has definitely evolved in the package delivery business by keeping up with technology and always trying to find new ways for its employees to safely and successfully deliver customers package on a day to...

Words: 262 - Pages: 2

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Simpson Race Case

...Sampson Racing Case Organizational Leadership – Fall 2011 John Perron I really tried to think about the Framing of this scenario as I also went through the numbers. One unique perspective that I had is that as a young man I used to race motorcycles. While I understand the basic costs and the elements of racing that are presented here, I was surprised that there was never any concern for the driver’s safety in this scenario. It should be the number one concern when making a decision to race or not race. It was not even an element presented in the framing of this decision-making exercise. That being said, I included that in my analysis. I took the approach of listing the facts that the scenario presented and tried to look at the cost of racing versus not racing in the same way as I would look at any scenario where lives are also at stake as in going to the moon, or having brain surgery. Certainly at racings speeds, lives are at stake. How much is a driver’s life worth? There are no guarantees in this scenario for $1,000,000+….it only says Goodstone is considering it. Is a driver’s life worth more or less than $1,000,000? The current financial state of the team is $32,500 in the hole. There are 4 possible outcomes in this scenario: 1) Sampson Team decides to race and finishes in the Top 5 50% Chance. Result: There were no definite numbers, but let’s guess and say that the new annual sponsorship is worth $1,000,000+. 2) Sampson Team decides to race...

Words: 865 - Pages: 4

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Sustainability Report - Arcelormittal 2011

...ArcelorMittal 2011 Executive Summary The underlying challenge for human organizations in the 21st century is to build and preserve a sustainable combination/blend of economic, social, and environmental conditions in a progressive global and commercial society. However, it is a challenge that is not being met at present. Currently it is failing to meet even the basic needs of the society, or to protect its natural resources and the ecosystems that produce them, even as it creates unprecedented wealth and amenities for a few. The reasons for these failures lie in both economic and political institutions. Sustainable Enterprises pioneers established concepts and tools for implementing eco-efficiency measures and also show how to use them immediately to reap business worth. Business enterprises in turn must quantify themselves against a “triple bottom line” which includes social value, environmental and economic profit. ArcelorMittal is one such company that has implemented eco-efficiency measures and realized the business benefits. Monitoring Systems Monitoring is a systematic and on-going activity which involves collecting, recording and reporting information. Monitoring systems for any organisation should be developed for three dimensions based on the triple bottom line. Monitoring Systems for Planet Monitoring systems and eco-tracking help to answer some fundamental questions:   What are the company‟s big environmental impacts? When and where do those impacts arise? During...

Words: 3389 - Pages: 14

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Quality Manager

...SECTION A PERSONAL ATTRIBUTE VENSUS CAREER DEVELOPMENT Introduction Due to the change of social construction and production mechanism in Hong Kong, Knowledge-based Society is essential for the sustainability development of Hong Kong in the 21st century that cultivates talent labors (MediaDigest, RTHK, 2006). Recently, the globalization is allied and compounded around the world. It indicates the trend of “Whole People Education” for undergraduates to develop their own strategic vision and analytical technology for the externally globalized environment – social and economy (Y.K. Pang, HKIE, 2009). Integrated with the upward paragraph, this promotion has rapidly developed owing to the advocate of “Lifelong Learning” (executed by Tung Chee-hwa, the first Chief Executive of HKSAR). Based on the data generation, the percentage of growth rate of continuous education has increasing from 18 in 2002 to 28 in 2003 (Professor K.M. Yeung, HKU SPACE). In the literature aspects, “Lifelong Learning” is the recognition that learning may stretch out across a lifetime for anyone sustainability use and renew throughout each lifespan (Field, 2006). Based on Role of Reflection in Learning (Kolb, 1984), its operation is coordinated with 3 main items – (1) 1 Action, (2) Reflect on Experience; and (3) Conclude and Learn. For my own view, it could be comprehended with using the outcome of your lifespan to strengthen the core competence to make the continuous improvement...

Words: 9551 - Pages: 39

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Organiztaion Behaviour

...| Vehicular Pollution and Sustainable remedies: New Delhi | [Type the document subtitle] | [Type the author name] [Pick the date] | Vehicular Pollution and Sustainable Remedies: New Delhi New Delhi, the capital of India is considered to be most polluted cities in the world caused by spectacular vehicular growth in the past 2-3 decades. It has been observed that air quality in New Delhi is deteriorating each day due to vehicular emissions that bring about great levels of ambient air pollutants in the city. Main Factors identified as reason for increased pollution due to vehicle are: High volume of traffic and urban population dynamics; excessive increase in private and personal vehicles; growing traffic jams; improper maintenance of vehicles; less eco-friendly mode of transport and bad fuel quality.(download). Automobile vehicles emit several pollutants depending upon the type and quality of fuel consumed by them. Major pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, photochemical oxidants, lead, particulate matters, oxides of sulphur and hydrocarbons etc. Vehicular emission cannot be avoided as it is released or emitted at ground level where we breathe (Ashok Kumar, N.D). Main Pollutants and Health Effects (Ashok Kumar, N.D) Pollutant | Health Effect | SPM | Damage of lungs, bronchitis and asthma | SO2 | Acid rain, damage to lungs, eyes and skin | NOx | Form Smog damage to respiratory system and eye irritation | CO | Toxic causes blood poisoning...

Words: 1448 - Pages: 6

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...chapter provides a synthesis of the existing literature on the role of banks towards sustainable development and corporate financial performance. It outlines the various stakeholders and forces that influence the banks’ sustainability initiatives. This chapter also put together the relevant theoretical frameworks on CSR and sustainable banking, highlighting their relevance, strengths and weakness in fully understanding CSR and concepts. 2.1 Banks and their function in the economy The lending component of a bank results in money creation and thus, affects the total money supply of the economy. In extending credit, the Bank also indirectly affects the allocation of resources across sectors and may boost the growth of essential sectors of the economy. Moreover, banks are responsible of the large volume of money transactions in the market. Banks bridge the financial transactions across important players in the economy such as the government, international and local businesses, households and thereby create deficits and surpluses in the process (Jeucken 2004, p55). Banks thus play an important role in an economic system particularly through the financial market. In micro-economic terms, the existence of banks can be explained by the transaction cost approach (information asymmetries) which has two overlapping approaches: informational transaction costs and the theory of delegated monitoring (Freixas and Rochet 1998, cited by Jeucken 2004 p59). The first approach is related to...

Words: 488 - Pages: 2

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Research for P4

...Everyone, Everywhere 2030 WaterAid’s Global Strategy 2015-2020 We are WaterAid Our vision is a world where everyone, everywhere has safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Our mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Our values define our culture and unite us across the many countries in which we work. They are at the very heart of WaterAid – who we are, what we do and how we do it. Respect Collaboration We treat everyone with dignity and respect and champion the rights and contribution of all to achieve a fairer world. We work with others to maximise our impact, respecting diversity and difference in the pursuit of common goals. Accountability Innovation We are accountable to those whose lives we hope to see transformed, to those we work with and to those who support us. We are creative and agile, always learning, and prepared to take risks to accelerate change. Courage Integrity We are bold and inspiring in our actions and words, and uncompromising in our determination to pursue our mission. We act with honesty and conviction and our actions are consistent with openness, equality and human rights. Front cover image: Janett, four, fills up a jerrycan with clean, safe water at the village’s new pump in Bugesera district, Rwanda. WaterAid/Zute Lightfoot Back cover image: Four-year-old Andreana (centre) and her friends...

Words: 4491 - Pages: 18

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Chunati Project

...and conservation of the CWS is of particular importance for the conservation of Asian Elephant and also for other fauna and flora of the sanctuary. Moreover, CWS has considerable potential for carbon sequestration and trading. Forest Department (FD) in collaboration with GIZ is implementing a project entitled ‘Management of Natural Resources and Community Forestry, Chunati’ (hereinafter the ‘Chunati Project’), which aims at strengthening protection and enrichment of forest plantations and developing a model for carbon trading through carbon sequestration at the CWSThe project has four components: (a) Income generating measures (i.e., livelihood development), (b) Forest management, (c) Environmental education and awareness building, (d) Sustainable forest management (aiming at carbon trading). Arannayk Foundation is mandated to managing the livelihood development component...

Words: 1231 - Pages: 5

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Paper Fertig

...2008 Systems for Verification of Legality in the Forest Sector, Malaysia: Domestic Timber Production and Timber Imports Adrian Wells (, Thang Hooi Chiew and Chen Hin Keong Contents 1. 2. Executive summary . . . . . . . pg. 3 . . . . . . . pg. 6 3. Law and policy governing forest management . . . . 3.1 Forests under the Federal Constitution . . . . 3.2 Forest management by the States . . . . . 3.3 Key jurisdictional differences between the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak . . . . pg. 7 pg. 7 pg. 8 pg. 9 4. Law and policy on wood-based industries and the timber trade . . . pg. 19 5. Responses to illegality in the forest sector . 5.1 Control of domestic timber production . 5.2 Control of timber imports . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 21 pg. 21 pg. 27 6. 7. Institutional structures for legal verification of domestic timber production and imports 6.1 Overview . . . . . . . 6.2 Peninsular Malaysia . . . . . . 6.3 Sabah . . . . . . . . 6.4 Sarawak . . . . . . . . 6.5 Timber imports . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 30 pg. 30 pg. 30 pg. 42 pg. 55 pg. 67 The strengths of existing verification systems 7...

Words: 28537 - Pages: 115

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Business Plan- Finance Company

...Management Issue 1 March 2007 Process Owner: Chief Financial Services Officer Authorisation: Christine Salter Page 1 of 17 FINANCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 2007 - 10 Contents 1. Overview of Service 1.1 1.2 1.3 Service Aims Services Provided Resources Summary 2. Contribution to Corporate Plan and Service Context 3. Performance Report 3.1 3.2 3.3 Performance Indicators Customer Focussed Services Achievements Against Corporate and Service Objectives 4. Future Service 4.1 4.2 Programmes, Projects & Improvement Actions Developing Internal and External Communication 5. Aligning Resources 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Finance & Assets Efficiency People IT Delivered Systems Knowledge 6. Action Plan 6.1 6.2 6.3 Risk Assessment Sustainability & Equality Appraisal Business Continuity Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. Issue 1 Business Objectives Matrix 2007/10 Business Objectives Update 2006/07 Workforce Planning Template 2007/08 Budget Analysis (i) Sustainability & (ii) Equality Appraisal Matrix Business Continuity Template March 2007 Process Owner: Chief Financial Services Officer Authorisation: Christine Salter Page 2 of 17 CARDIFF COUNCIL FINANCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 2007/8 – 2009/10 1. INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this Business Plan is to describe in outline the key functions of the financial and related services we provide to Cardiff Council...

Words: 18040 - Pages: 73

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Types: Doc, Docx, Pdf, Wps, Rtf, Odt

...environments, which in turn relate to the economic environment. What does sustainability mean? Every day we hear the term ‘sustainable’ or ‘sustainability’ being used to describe a large number of issues and news items. There is the ‘sustainable economy’, ‘sustainable agriculture’, ‘economically sustainable’, ‘the need to be sustainable’, ‘sustainable work practices’ and ‘sustainable water supply’ to name a few. The Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, is seen by many as one of the first global reports to address sustainable development. This report defined sustainable development as: “…development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Brundtland (1987) National strategy for ecologically sustainable development Sustainable Development is defined by the Australian Government’s National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development as: “…using, conserving and enhancing the community’s resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be maintained.” Commonwealth of Australia (1992) The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) defines sustainable development in reference to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, spanning from...

Words: 16125 - Pages: 65

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...with ways to| | |ensure that the employees, shareholder, suppliers and the opera| | |house customers understand the environmental sustainability. | |Keep accurate records |Recording resource use on a monthly basis. | Assessment 2:- Part A |ACTION ACHIEVED |ASSOCIATED TARGET |RESOURCE |TIMELINE |ACCOUNTABILITY. | |Systematically review |A 2% reduction in |Finances |Year 1-3 |Regular monitoring of | |energy efficient |electricity use from |Time | |the system. | |opportunities in the base |baseline consumption | | | | |building services, theatres|of 06/07. | | | | |and offices. |A 4% p.a reduction in| | | | |Seek funding in |gas using the...

Words: 571 - Pages: 3

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Bs501 Task 1

...Relevant legislation and standards Clean energy regulator act 2011 Australian renewable energy agency act 2011 Update/ authority Authority given to sustainability manager Sustainability principles Sustainable use of water, especially in the toilets by introducing dual-flush system and encouraging the correct usage of toilet facilities Sustainable use of paper by recycling in the correct manner that enable a second time usage Sustainable waste removal, reuse or recover wastes Sustainability procedures 1. reprogram air-conditioning...

Words: 955 - Pages: 4

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Rehabilitation Paper

...Rehabilitation and AB109 Paper Denise Atkinson CJA/234 Joseph Dempsey October 17th, 2012 Rehabilitation and AB109 Paper Offenders are always punished in different ways. Fundamentally, this is in a bid to restore and enhance a desirable state of social cohesion. The characteristic rehabilitation refers to efforts geared toward enabling an individual too effectively to readapt to society and assume practices which are consistent with the societal rules and regulations. In his research, Gottschalk (2006) indicates that the origin of the practice of rehabilitative imprisonment can be traced in penitentiaries constructed at the close of the nineteenth century and were informed by biblical principles. Offenders left in solitude have a chance to reflect penitently over their felonies and are therefore likely to transform or cleanse themselves. With time, discipline, and hard labor were introduced in the practice to be partaken silently. This, according to the reformers helped the prisoners to meditate over their felonious practices. The rehabilitative efforts have undergone various changes and currently, most of them assume a more community based approach. The common method employed in this regard pertains to parole. Woodard (2011) defines parole as the release of an imprisoned offender who agrees to established rules even though he or she has to be closely monitored for a given period. This release is provisional and allows the offender to serve the remaining term from...

Words: 883 - Pages: 4

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Sydney Airport

...the Sydney Airport Environment Strategy. Sydney Airport is Australia’s busiest airport, with over 8 million international travelers and 15 million domestic travelers arriving and departing on approximately 290,000 flights annually. This makes Sydney Airport a major source of pollution in Australia today. ! ! · ! ! Sydney Airports environmental Strategy was developed in accordance with the current laws and legislations. It provides the system by which long term and daily environmental management can be planned, implemented and reviewed, in a cycle of continuous improvement. Sydney Airports Environmental Strategy comprises the following main components: Environmental Policy · Planning, including Environmental Aspect and Risk Identification and Assessment, Objectives, Targets and Action Plans · Implementation and Operation, including Environmental Responsibilities, Training and Awareness, Communication, Document and Operational Control, and Emergency Preparedness and Response ! · Checking and Corrective Action, including monitoring, assessment and auditing, and ! · Management Review. ! Overview ! ! · · · · · · · · Environmental Management and Stakeholder Relationships Resource Use (Water, Energy and Raw Materials) Air Quality Ground Transport Surface Water Quality Soil and Groundwater Quality Noise Flora and Fauna Sydney Airport has a full range of environmental issues to address in accordance with its day-today operations. These Include: · · · ! ! ! Heritage...

Words: 1949 - Pages: 8