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Submitted By jada1234
Words 2055
Pages 9

The welfare system was created to help poor men, women, and children who are in need of financial and medical assistance. Over the years, welfare has become a way of life for our people. Currently, the government is in the process of reforming the welfare system. The welfare reform system’s objective was to get people off welfare and start back working. The goal was to move people from dependency to self-sufficiency but problems to the new welfare reform system have occurred. Some believe that, "participation in a welfare-to-work program might create new problems for children by adding strains to family life or by exposing children to poor substitute care arrangements for policies that design welfare-to-work programs that pursue the dual goals of economic self-sufficiency for families and healthy development children. "Welfare policies aimed at improving family circumstances for both children and parents must not make the error of focusing solely on parents; if the intention is to enhance the immediate and long-term development of both generations within the family, then policies must differentiate between youth and their parents."

These issues have brought about numerous debates. These debates have focused on the welfare reform system. Pros and cons of this new system have been debated, focusing on the welfare of the child, the parent, the employer, and the taxpayer. This paper will analyze the welfare reform system. In my resource paper I will examine several areas of concern in the welfare reform system. First, as an overview, I will look at the Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act. Second, I will look at the Welfare to Workfare program. I will then examine how welfare recipients with disabilities will be handled under this new reform and finally this paper will examine how the federal government plans on if at all ensuring job retention occurs.


"The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, or the welfare reform law established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). TANF is a block grant program designed to make dramatic reforms in the nation's welfare system."………………’’’’’’’’ This grant became effective as of in1997. This grant replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. It also replaced several other programs such as Emergency Assistance. The goal of TANF is to promote family responsibility and self- sufficiency. This program will provide this by placing welfare recipients into the work field. Under the TANF program assistance is given to individuals for a limited time. When that time period has expired, it is the State's responsibility to move these recipients into the work force. States are also required to provide education and training, as well as other services that will ensure retention of employment.

On August 5, 1997, President Clinton authorized the Welfare to WorkGrant. This grant allows hard to employ recipients an opportunity to become competitive in the job market. The importance of workfare is to get people into the job market, in an effort to eliminate welfare. This involves training of welfare recipients. This training also provides employment assistance for hard to employ recipients. These hard to employ individuals are a large portion of TANF recipients. "The work experience program is designed to help give people experience that will sell them to employers. Workfare provides experience for low paying jobs, even if the program does not succeed in getting recipients off welfare." (

The money used to provide these services is from a Work to Welfare Grant . These grants assist those who receive aid from Temporary Assistance for Needy Family or TANF. The Federal government allocates funds to the States, who then are involved in the distribution of this grant. Some of these funds are used to provide contracts with the public or private sector to provide job readiness, job placement, job retention and other services. As stated earlier, Welfare to Work programs will focus mainly on those individuals who are hard to employ. Contracts have been provided by the State for certain organization to be a participant in this program. Grants and other incentives are provided to these groups. These groups include education agencies, local governments, and community housing agencies, churches, colleges, and disability organizations.

There are some additional provisions worth noting under the Welfare to work program. There is a 21- month time limit for families who reach their time limit. A six- month extension is provided to those if they have made an effort to find employment. The State also requires individuals to participate in job placement programs up to 12-months prior to being employed. Under this provision the recipients are required to participate in these programs for a specified number of hours per week. There are certain people who are exempt from participating in the work requirements. These individuals include minors under 18years old, those who must care for an incapacitated or elderly individuals, pregnant women and those deemed to be unemployable. This program also requires recipients to work or provide a minimum number of community service hours a week. Anyone who fails to cooperate with these provisions benefits will be terminated.


Individuals labeled with learning disabilities need help in obtaining, maintaining, and advancing within the job environment. The new Welfare to work program addresses these issues. They provide education and work and any other necessary assistance required. There are several key steps needed in order to ensure the welfare to work programs works for these individuals. First, they must develop criteria for identifying and assessing learning disabilities. Second, accommodations must be made for training, testing and employment Lastly; one must identify work requirements for those with disabilities. In some states, caseworkers are being trained to prescreen their clients. If they suspect someone of a disability, they can refer them to a vocational rehabilitation staff that will provide the necessary basic skills and educational services. These referrals will allow the individual an opportunity of becoming employable as well as provides them an opportunity to deal with their disability.

Those who qualify for funds are deemed long term welfare recipients. These individuals have at least two of three specified barriers to employment. Job placement and retention is a priority for long term welfare recipients. These funds are used to provide assessment, job matching and job retention. Although some caseworkers are being trained to initially assess possible disabled recipients, the recipient is then referred at times to vocational rehabilitation departments. These departments will then provide testing and support services to those deemed with a disability. At times, Medicaid or educational departments will pay for testing of these individuals.

To be employable, basic literacy is needed. The learning disabled need remedial education that is tailored to their specific need. The training provided to them will increase their skill levels. Accommodations will be needed for those individuals in training. These accommodations may include waiving certain requirements, providing more test time, providing a note taker, or job instructions given in a different format.

Work requirements are also being modified for recipients with learning disabilities. Some states have modified their work requirements or combined activities to meet the federal work participation rate requirements. In some states a lowering of test scores is provided to those with learning disabilities, as well as increased time limits to complete an exam.

Once and welfare recipient is placed into a job, the next step is ensuring retention occurs. Today, employers are more interested in employing welfare recipients. Employers are looking for motivated, reliable and responsible employees. If these skills are available in a welfare recipient, then employers don’t mind hiring them. The technical skills needed for a position can be learned. But, employers do not want to be in the social service business. This means many are not willing to deal with issues such as childcare or transportation, because many don’t know how to deal with these issues. It is important to note that employers are interested in retaining individuals. This provides a return on the cost of hiring and training an individual.

Many of the jobs available are only part time or temporary. Very few full time jobs are available, which is key to one's survival, financially. Many of the other jobs available offer low wages with very few benefits, as well as provide limited opportunities. The cost of working is also an issue for welfare recipients. The cost of childcare, transportation, as well as other costs necessary to work, is at times more than a recipient is making. These along with work and family demands can be overwhelming to a welfare recipient.

TANF has partnered with many agencies to provide not only job placement, but also child care, transportation, as well as other outside support from the community to help recipients deal with work or personal issues. Some agencies are providing training to supervisors, in hopes of improving their ability to work with welfare recipients. Welfare recipients and case managers will review their current job and address and concerns or issues they may have.

There are several types of mentoring programs that have been developed. First, a community based mentoring program was developed. This consists of families or individuals that volunteer to work with a recipient. Employer based mentoring is another form of mentoring that exists. This involves formal or informal programs established on the job, in which one will teach and lead an individual through the workplace while improving their skills. Many of the mentors may be former welfare recipients who are provided by a TANF or community organization.
Access to support services is another strategy suggested. This involves simply providing easily obtainable services to welfare recipients. These support services may include health care, childcare and solutions to many other problems a recipient may need support or help with. Providing these types of support allows a much smoother transition for not only the recipient, but also the employer into a new job position. This also provides an opportunity for retention to occur.


Originally, the welfare system was created to help the poor, who were in need of financial and medical assistance. Over the years, welfare has become a way of life for its recipients and has created a culture of dependency. The welfare reform system is in the process of being repaired or reformed. It’s objective is to get people off the welfare system and into the job market. The new system developed is now called workfare. In order to ensure workfare is successful there are several components to the welfare reform system .Welfare to work programs focuses primarily on those hardest to employ. It is the States responsibility to ensure recipients with learning disabilities receive help in obtaining, maintaining, and advancing within the job market. Finally, retention of jobs for welfare recipients is also a crucial element addressing the welfare reform system. This issue is of concern for employers as well as employees.

The quest to change the welfare system is to ensure the welfare and the rights of children, their parents and taxpayers are not ignored. Programs have been developed to ensure welfare recipients are employable and retained. These programs are in the forms of training, workshops, and education, as well as other services that will provide support as well as pride and self-sufficiency.


Department of Health and Human Services. Welfare-to- Work Data Collection [ONLINE] Available:

Foldvary, Fred E., Welfare Reform [ONLINE] Available:,htm

Greenberg, Mark & Steve Savner, Waivers and the New Welfare Law: Initial Approaches in State Plans [ONLINE] Available: [1996, November]

Thompson, Mary, Social Welfare: A Study of the Effects of Medial Coverage and other Contributing Factors on Public Opinion. [ONLINE] Available:`mmmiller/jpr525.thompson.html [1996, Fall]

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: A New Approach to Welfare Funding. [ONLINE] Available: [1995, December]

Helping Welfare Recipients Stay Employed. [ONLINE] Available:

Welfare and its Reformation to Workforce [ONLINE] Available:

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