Premium Essay

The Future of Books


Submitted By jaedyn04
Words 2264
Pages 10
The Future of Books
Nearly 2,405,518,376 people in our world have access to the Internet; needless to say we live in a very technically inclined society. Almost every task that is preformed is done by using some sort of technological medium, whether that be a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. We have the ability to access multitudes of information by the push of a button in something so small that it fits into the palm of our hands. I personally believe that technology is a great way to expand our knowledge, especially since we live in a climate that is centralized around such things. Like much of everything else in our world, the way we read has been technologically transformed. It used to be that if you wanted to read a novel you would have to go to a library or a book store and buy the ones that you were interest in reading. If you wanted more than one you had your satchel that you could put three of your 500 page novels into, which was kind of a hassle. Today there is a way to store millions of books on something no bigger than a sheet of printer paper. The integration of eBooks into our libraries, schools, and personal libraries is crucial to keep future generations reading. Technology is and will continue to be a very large part of our lives and if we are going to keep people interested in written words we must allow innovation to take place. Society and the way we do things drastically change from each passing decade. The very first computer took up a whole entire classroom and now I have one that doubles as a phone and fits in my pocket. Technology has transformed everything we could possibly imagine. Reading is not to be forgotten. Over the past few years how we read, and through what medium we do it, has been altered through the advancement of technology by eReaders. When the first eBook was brought into existence, it was reserved for manuscripts and

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