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The Guilty Of Grendel's Mother In Beowulf

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Under the dark boggy water lives a monster. She is not just any monster, she is a typical mother. A mother that is mourning the loss of her only son, Grendel. She is seeking revenge on the only man who is guilty of this fated slaughter. The man who killed her son possesses the name Beowulf.
I have lost my son to a vicious killer. Not only has he stripped my life of my precious son, but he has stripped me of my happiness. Though my son has harmed many a more, he too does not deserve such a death. Therefore I, Grendel’s mother, have come to avenge my son! Anyone who steps foot in my lake of a home shall perish!
The night after Grendel’s death, Beowulf went to the lake where the mourning mother lay awake, waiting for the man who slayed her

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