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The Importance Of Individual Dignity In Health And Social Care

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Dignity in care work means that no matter whom you are, every individual in the care home are treated with respect. For example the care workers they respect the client own choices and decisions without making them feel embarrass. In social care dignity ensures that each individual Dignity should be protected for example being allowed to dress in private. Some may be vulnerable at times. Health and social worker must protect the dignity of each individual by being aware of situations and actions that could cause embarrassment and make the individual feel silly or exposed.
Fro example it is important to offer support for individual to perform personal care tasks, such as dressing using the toilet and bathing, make sure they close the doors, scree ns and curtains. Making fun of them can losses your dignity with your service workers because you are embarrassing them.
Sometimes individual cannot feed themselves this may be due to illness, injury or age. Care workers can protect the dignity of individual by speaking politely to the individual not rushing them and allowing them to finish the first mouthful before offering another. It is also important to allow …show more content…
For example signing in and out of a work placement tells the manager who is on the premises and helps to prevent unauthorized people, who could potentially cause harm, coming in. safeguarding also means that we do no behave in a way that causes the users of the services to feel threaned or afraid. This can include things like not shouting or waving your arms around, as this sort of behavior can be frightening to a vulnerable person. You must also be careful to take reasonable health and safety precautions.
You can also conclude
Use of security
Reporting hazards
Delivering care accurately
Taking care of own health and safety
Reporting hazards

A person centered approach to care delivery
It is a way of

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