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The Importance of Listening


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The Importance of Listening

Listening skills are crucial for clarification and providing an appropriate response. Notes on voiced conversations and written subject matter can be annotated. These annotations can be done by either oral note taking or written notes. Fortunately, in today’s world of technology, there is an abundance of note taking methods. Today I am going to explain one way in which to compose notes. According to Barrett, Poe, and Spagnola- Doyle ( 2011, p.22), one such note taking method is to “summarize the main ideas from the content”. The reason I have chosen this method is to improve comprehension on topics discussed at meetings. This method can be used at meetings that involve handouts, lectures, PowerPoint’s, and much more. Once the main ideas are understood, then we can get into the finer details and particulars of the lectures. For meetings that are presented in handouts, personal notes can be written on the margins. Information can be can be annotated on the top or bottom also. Using a highlighter to underline key subject matter may be useful. The end of the presentation is a perfect time to write a summary of the lecture.
With oral lectures and PowerPoint’s, write down detailed information during the lecture. Make sure these notes are in simple terms. After the lecture is completed, read over all notes and fill in any info that may have been missed. Sometimes our note taking is not as fast as what we see on a board or PowerPoint. Recap with others that were at the meeting to make sure all the information has been annotated correctly. Circle or underline key words and subjects to enhance long term memory. At this point in time, take a moment to reflect back on the meeting and the lectures. Think about how the information from the meeting coincides with the department’s role.
A key point to remember in note taking is to review all notes soon after a meeting (Alexandria Technical & Community College, 2012). This will help in remembering crucial points that apply to your position in the department. Better note taking also benefits the team as a whole. The more information that can be disseminated down the channels, the better informed everyone will be. This dissemination will increase production. Listening skills are a crucial asset for everyone. Summarizing notes can greatly increase success in the importance of listening.

Barrett, Poe, & Spagnola- Doyle, (2011) Power Up. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Methods of note taking. (n.d.). Retrieved from NoteTaking/MethodsOfNoteTaking.aspx

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