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The Importance Of Active Listening

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1. Active Listening
Hear what people are actually saying.
Listen attentively. Often when people talk, we don’t listen attentively, we are often distracted. Listening is one of the most important life skills you can have.

We listen for many purposes such as to find out information, to understand, to learn, etc. We listen to so much and for so many purpose that we assume we are good listeners. Research have shown that a person usually only remembers 25-50% of what we hear.

The ability to listen attentively can enhance communication both at work and at home. Relationships are built around the ability to listen and communicate effectively.

2. Clarify
We have discussed this in the earlier chapter. Clarification …show more content…
Positive language
Whether you communicate verbally or written, the language you used determines who you are and whether your message will be well-received. It simply means use more positive words and less negative ones.

This is especially useful when communicating unpleasant news to residents. You will be surprised to know how the usage of positive language can soften the impact of the news.

Negative phrasing and language often have the following …show more content…
• has a subtle tone of blame and/ or sarcasm.
• does not stress positive actions that would be appropriate, or positive consequences.
Positive phrasing and language have the following qualities:
• tells the receiver what can be done
• suggests alternatives and choices available
• sounds helpful and encouraging

Positive Phrasing
If you are going to eliminate negative phrases, you will need to replace them with more positive ways of conveying the same information. Below are just a few examples of positive phrasing.
• If you can send me this information, I can complete this for you by (dateline).
• The information we have suggests that you have a different viewpoint on this issue. Let me explain our perspective.
• We can offer another alternative to you… (suggestion/options).
• We can help you to [whatever] if you can send us [whatever].

10. Asserting oneself appropriately

This means to communicate with honesty and be open. Express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view while at the same time respecting others’ rights. Only when you tell the truth then you don’t have to remember what you said. When we communicate in this manner, people will usually reciprocate in the same

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