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The Power and Meaning of “Girl Watching"


Submitted By bl1234
Words 687
Pages 3
The Power and Meaning of “Girl Watching"

The concept of “Girl Watching” caught my eye right away. Most men do this even though they might not admit it. It has become a part of our culture that is easy to subject ourselves to and act upon without thinking. Most women would call this sexual harassment, but there are some women who think it’s just the way guys are. Technically they are right. Guys are this way, but they don’t have to be. We are all sinners, so we won’t always do the right thing. The problem is that too many people either accept “girl watching” or believe that it is something that is going to always happen and will never change. This mindset is developed through gender role socialization. Our culture has made “girl watching” a hobby that “manly” men do. If a guy decides to go against that cultural norm and resist the urge to ogle at a girl, they will be seen as less of a man. I see this every day. When a beautiful girl walks by it is almost unheard of to ignore her presence. Guys will make their inappropriate comments either out loud or quietly to the group and if I were to ignore the comments or tell them to behave, they would begin making fun of me. Why is this so acceptable? As Christians we should hold ourselves to a higher standard and try to protect and respect our sisters in Christ. Just like many other aspects of Christianity, doing the right thing will always be more difficult and require more work, but that shouldn’t stop us. Another point that the writer brings up is that guys are stupid. He didn’t say that exactly, but he talks about how men think that girls like what they are doing. It is easy to justify something if you can prove that what your doing is acceptable. The main problem here is that guys see this as “harmless flirtation or sexual interest”. When, in reality, it’s harassment. I don’t know why we

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