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The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte


Submitted By caox
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Pages 9
The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte

The great French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte had initially capitalized on the changes of the French Revolution to improve the lives of French citizens. But over time, Napoleon's lust for power overcame his good economic, political and military accomplishments, and his transformation into a selfish dictator led to his fall.
Napoleon was born on 15th August 1769 at Ajaccio on the island of Corsica, he was the second son (having 7 siblings) of a lawyer who had minor connections to the aristocracy and was far from wealthy (Dugdale). His family was radical in outlook and as a young man he strongly identified with his Corsican heritage. Thanks in part to his mother’s adultery with the French military governor Comte de Marbeuf he began his military education at Brienne military academy and later in 1784 at the Military school in Paris, and he worked hard to complete his studies in a further year rather than the required three years (Dugdale). This was the natural choice of service for the young Bonaparte as he was gifted at science and mathematics, which were essential skills for any artillery officer of the time (Dugdale). The young Napoleon spent much of the next 8 years in Corsica supporting the Corsican rebel Pasquale Paulo who had been a patron of Napoleon's father. When the revolution broke out the Bonaparte family fled to France and Napoleon became opposed to Pasquale. He would quite likely have been condemned to obscurity had not the revolution allowed for those with little wealth or influence to advance quickly. Napoleon's skill at the siege of Toulon while only an artillery captain under General Jacques Dugommier was to start Napoleon on the path of greatness; a rise to power that was to be incredibly rapid(Dugdale).
From the late 1700s to the early 1800s, the ideas of the

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