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The Sure Things


Submitted By eassem1a
Words 325
Pages 2
The article talk about Ted Turner, John Paulson and other successful entrepreneurs businessmen “ predators” whose insights and decision have redefined and transformed the economy. The writer telling us about entrepreneurs characteristic of those predators and how adverse to what most of people imagine they actually seek the least risk possible while hunting.

Temperament is one of the entrepreneurs main advantage , they are braver than rest of us , they have analytical advantage, they are better at figuring out a sure things rather than the rest of us they all done their home work and worked so hard to find sure things, that’s why they supremely confident of their decision and they are happy to put their their reputation on the line in the pursuit of the sure thing.

They looked at the same marketplace as every one else but they were able to notice and identify different pattern and to interpret market behavior differently, that why they were encouraged and more comfortable with negative carry trade more than other competitors were.

Quoting writer says “ you and I might might not have made hat deal but not because they are risk taker and we are cowards , its because they they are cold blooded bargainers who could find a billion dollar in some one back pocket that the person didn’t know he had

The article discuss the main argument about corporate compensation policies,and the wrong perception from shareholder that risk taking is what entrepreneurs companies do , it also high spot the correlation between the new business success and the size of the initial capitalization and how successful entrepreneurs tend to serving customer that other business have missed by creating their own blue ocean and escaping from the red ocean where price is the only way to compete.

Finally the article focus that although financial success and profit was one of the entrepreneurs Goal however their real motive was the challenge of figuring out a particularly knotty problem

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