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There Is Always Someone Listening in a Noisy World


Submitted By kevinxv
Words 1124
Pages 5
There is Always Someone Listening in a Noisy World
It is difficult for introverts to be heard in a world full of talkers. Extroverts like attention and are very open and typically like to speak up first. Whereas introverts do not seek that type of attention and are more refrained from social interactions. They are not the first to insert their ideas or opinions in a meeting, are likely to achieve less in an amount of time, are more reticent, like solitude, and some attempt to be extroverted. This is what makes it challenging for introverts and not the general misconceptions that people have of introverts which is that they are shy and anti-social. That is a false statement because introverts don’t all have the same characteristics and like anything else there are varieties.

Extroverts like to be the initiators of things and like to socialize for energy. They are typically loquacious and proficient public speakers. This does not hold true for all extroverts though because like anything else in the world everyone is not exactly the same and there are a variety of characteristics. All extroverts have different traits and personalities that make them extroverted. Extroverted employees are great to have to lead meetings and kick things off which can push other employees to engage as well.

Introverts are not initiators and are typically quiet, thoughtful, and reticent; these characteristics are not only reflected in their thoughts or feelings but as well as their behavior and communication (Beukeboom 2013, p.193). This makes it difficult for opinions and ideas that they have to be heard because they are not outspoken with others. An extrovert would typically need to initiate a conversation with an introvert for their voice to be heard. Although not all introverts are quiet this is what is required for those who are. If that attempt isn’t made they may never be

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