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Three Barriers That Influence Thinking


Submitted By Richard1Glidden
Words 307
Pages 2
Three Barriers That Influence Thinking

The first barrier that influences my critical thinking process that I would choose to overcome is self-deception. I find that many times, I trick myself into thinking that something is not right or I am doing something wrong before I have the chance to complete the task itself or get to the point that is needed to decide if I was right. I need to put more trust in my initial thought process and let the outcome of the situation come as it may. I believe that if I were to do this, I would most likely be surprised that the outcomes would in fact be positive.
The second barrier to my thinking that I influences my thinking process is my pride. I find that there have been several times, that I have let pride get in the way of my thoughts and it has not benefitted me. Pride can be a wonderful or a hurtful thing and depending on the situation, I need to put it aside and listen to another side of an argument. Doing so, I feel that it would make me a better person as well as a better critical thinker in the long run.
The last barrier that influences my thinking is having an over reliance of feelings. This issue, although it has gotten better as I have gotten older, is still something that I would like to work on. Relying on feelings, takes the thinking process out of the equation. No longer are you making decisions based on facts or evidence, but you’re making a decision based on how you feel at the time. The way to correct this I feel I to slow down when making a decision and attempt to get more facts about a situation instead of jumping to a

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