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City Trips Travel Belgium bvba


Hallam Travel Management (UK) Hallam Travels & Tour Management (Malaysia)

> FINAL CONFIRMATION Tour Information Pack (AE130914- A, B & C)

Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

City Trip Travel
Provinciebaan 45 B-8880 Ledegem Belgium


Tel: 32 56 50 59 86 Fax: 32 56 50 40 89 Toerisme Vlaanderen : Lic A6259 Transport Licence : A 4838 BTW : BE 867 164 657

Dear 2014’ AmazingEurope Group Member, This letter is the final confirmation of your 16-Day tour departs on 13th Sept 2014. (Group A, B & C)
13th Sept 2014- Departure Pick-up Points: Sheffield @ 01:45 am: Opal 1/ Victoria Hall, Gather at Opal 1 Main Gate 01:55 am: The Forge, Gather at Bramall Lane BP Fuel Station 02:05 am: Bramall Court, Gather at Side Gate (In front of Pub) 02:15 am: Trigon, Shoreham Street Post Office Bus Stop London @ 07:00 am: Hotel Ibis London Euston St. Pancras (Next by Euston Rail Station, London Zone 1)
3 Cardington St, London NW1 2LW, United Kingdom

28th Sept 2014- Return Drop-off Points: London @ 19:00 pm: Hotel Ibis London Euston St. Pancras
3 Cardington St, London NW1 2LW, United Kingdom

Sheffield @ 22:00 pm: Travelodge Hotel Sheffield Centre & Sheffield Coach Interchange Manchester Airport @ 23:55 pm: Terminal 1 & Holiday Inns Express Manchester Airport There are some Important Reminder & Issues passengers have to take notes as below mentioned: 1. Please be arriving at least 10 minutes before each departure as name counting will starts 10 minutes before each departure. Please switch on your mobile and save your Tour Manager mobile number for easier get in touch through SMS texting or emergency call. *** 2. During the journey, passengers should follow tour manager instruction and Be Punctual at picking up/ gather point earlier at your own discretion, there will be no waiting after a grace period of 15 minutes; the driver shall leave the location as comply to tour schedule and also fair to others punctual passengers. If you missed your coach, it is your own responsibility to catch the tour at your own transportation cost. 3. The tour itinerary is subjected to change due unpunctual issue, worst traffic/ road conditions, extreme weathers and other unforeseen factors. E.g. Strike or Riot happens in visiting destination. 4. Most of attraction entrance fees will be on passengers’ own cost. Kindly check with your tour manager before making a reservation. All lunches is on your own arrangement, you package provide daily breakfast + 9 dinners in 16 day journey. The average daily expense is around 20 -30.00 Euro/ passenger; Estimate around 450- 550.00 Euros/ passenger in very comfortable budget for general expenses incudes most of major attraction ticket, tipping, lunch + own cost dinner meals, some little souvenir and beverage during the journey); Kindly prepared the amount of pocket money in Cash before journey start due passenger may have no time to money changer during the journey. 5. Personal Travels Insurance (NOT includes in package) is strongly advised to purchase/ insured for peace in mind in journey. Kindly well prepare yourselves to avoid anything happen what should not happen during the journey. If touch wood anything happens, for example, accident, illness and being stolen, kindly contact your tour manager and report to local police immediately to obtain officially report documents for insurance claiming purpose. 6. The tour compulsory tipping is minimum 4.00 Euros/ passenger/ day. (Total 64.00 Euros/ passenger for whole journey); Tour Manager will arrange for collection. Best Wishes to all Passenger Have a Very Pleasant & Memorable Journey… Cheers!!!
Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

致 2014’ Amazing Europe 全体团员,
您好!首先,我代表 Hallam Travels Management & CTT Belgium 热烈欢迎大家报名参加我们的欧洲自助旅行团。 借此机会,我做为该团主要策划和组织者之一,根据已往组团的经验, 很有必要将我们团的性质、特点、注意事项等等,特向大家做简单说明 如下:我们自 2003 年起, 开始组织欧洲自助式旅行团, 为拉曼学院的学子及其家属和亲友提供去欧洲旅行的机会。我们集各家旅行社的行程路线之 长推出我们自助特色的行程。大家喜欢我们的行程, 接受行程的安排和预订的条件, 自愿报名参加到自助旅游团的行列, 全程下来既广开了眼 界又广交了朋友还省了钱。这种经济实惠的自助游, 花钱少, 走的国家多, 自由度大, 灵活性强, 几年来一直反映良好。从经济效益上说, 我们 重在服务, 而不仅以赚钱为目的,当然组团人员的正常销费还是要保证的。 自助式旅游,我们所提供的是全程的酒店住宿和早餐,全程的豪华大巴车服务包括穿越英吉利海峡,全程的观光经理或导游做领队。行程将由领 队和司机根据车的运行情况、路面交通情况、时间情况及其他因素在原行程的基础上进行适当的合理性调整。酒店一般是三星级国际旅游标 准酒店, 个别情况下有四星和二星酒店住宿。大巴是具备欧陆旅行的条件:- 有空调、厕所、大行李箱等。司机是对欧洲国家较熟、具有丰 富经验的司机,派出的领队通常都是经验丰富和长期合作的华人导游, 其职责和义务是邦助大家协调、联络、沟通司机、酒店、景点及提供 其他如英文翻译、收集客人发给司机的小费、帮忙换钱及买票等等服务。在任何紧急的或特殊的情况下, 有权决定如何处理问题。自助旅行 团原则上只设领队,基本不设导游(必要时常在罗马、巴黎等地配置当地导游).领队不等同于导游, 多数情况下领队会对各国各城市的主要特 色和景点加以简单概括性的介绍, 而不会象当地导游那样讲得细致入微。 自助式旅游的自助性在于, 客人要自行解决部分午晚餐及费用, 自行解决除大巴和穿越英吉利海峡以外的其他交通工具如游船、地铁、公共 汽车等, 自行解决景点门票费用和自行参观游览景点, 以及付给司机、导游和领队的小费等等。其灵活性在于到每一地后, 可以不随团走, 自 行安排自己的观光节目或购物或拜亲访友, 自己选择自己喜欢的合口味的经济实惠的食品用餐等。但对提前离或中途入团者, 恕一律不退房 费和其他费用。诚恳地说, 这种旅行团有时需要走一些路, 尤其是如行程中含有意大利, 罗马、威尼斯、佛罗伦萨等地市内不允 许外国大巴行 驶, 大都要步行, 因此该种旅行团较适合于 6–60 岁年龄段。 特别要提到的是小费问题。小费是对服务的肯定和欣赏,付小费在英国和欧洲大陆早已习以为常,但我们不一定习惯,尤其身在国外不久, 经济上并不富裕, 提到小费并不一定情愿付。我们很理解这一点, 但诚恳地希望大家入乡随俗吧。经常出现这样的情况,同车的大多数人都交 了小费,但总有人不交,这样就使交了小费的人觉得不公平,又想把已交出的小费要回来,常常把领队搞得无所侍从,团员间甚至为了这点 本应不是任何问题的小事吵架. 全欧洲小费标准为每位客人每天付 4 欧元,所以我们也向大家收这个数目,每人每天 4 欧元的小费,敬请大 家理解和合作。 安全问题: A. 个人物品安全,欧洲有些城市较乱, 历次欧洲团中出现过护照被偷, 现金被抢, 相机及其它贵重物品被偷被抢等事件, 请大家 提高 警惕. B. 请特别注意交通问题, 欧洲的行车方向与英国不同, 穿越街道要特别小心。C. 行李及随行物品安全, 旅行沿途要住多家酒店, 行李上 车下车次数多, 请不要忘记自己的行李物品。D. 切记,如此类由于自己遗忘不小心而丢东西,请自负其责,旅游公司无寻找义务。另外, 欧 洲电源插座与英国不同, 请自备电源插座. E. 欧洲酒店不提供刷牙工具, 请自备.  乘客中总会身体欠佳者、晕车者等等,过去的团中车上让座的优秀事例很多,但争座抢位甚至为此吵架的事也的确发生过。我相信大家 都知道什么是正确的什么是不正确的,发扬一点我们中华民族尊老爱幼的美德,给晕车的同胞让在前面的位子,在我们这个团是绝对不 应该成问题的!

车上厕所的使用问题。车上的厕所容量小且易满,长途行车不可能随时打扫,因此它仅能为大家在紧急的情况下而车又在行使过程中使 用,希望大家尽量在车下解决问题,否则车上的气味将很差,而真正再有紧急情况的客人,却不能也无法使用厕所了。 酒店早餐问题:由于午晚餐自理,于是每个团中总有一些人在早餐时准备全天的口粮, 连吃带拿, 一扫而光,使后下来用早餐的本团 团员和 其他客人没东西可吃, 甚至史无前例地出现了将酒店为当天准备的足量的早餐"吃"空的现象! 诚望此现象不会在本团发生。

旅行团是一个整体,既然是旅游,就要高高兴兴的一起出去,高高兴兴的一起回来,互相关心,互相帮助。外出旅游的时间宝贵, 集中精力多玩玩多 看看。值得提醒大家的是,尽管我们大多数团员都是高级知识分子, 但素质差的人并不乏见, 历来的团中总有个别无事生非者, 找茬挑刺在团中 闹事, 或多或少的给旅行造成不应有的不愉快, 敬请大家遇事能理智清醒的思考和判断, 不要让任何破坏我们旅游雅兴的人和意识得逞。同时, 为了维护全团的利益,做为全权代表的领队,有权对害群之马提出批评、警告、劝其离团,甚至可以决定驱逐其出团! 我们派出的领队,是会尽全力为大家或为绝大多数团员着想、服务的,衷心希望大家支持我们领队的工作. 人无完人, 在服务中总会有不尽人意 之处, 希望大家能友善的向领队提出使其能及时和改正完善。 最后,谢谢大家对我们的信任、理解、支持、合作。预祝大家顺利成行,旅行愉快,圆满而归。

KC Choy/ Planning Director Hallam Travels Management City Trip Travel bvba
Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

欧洲旅游指南 @ Useful Guideline for European Tour
敬爱的 2014’ AmazingEurope 团员们, 您盼望的欧洲之旅指日可待,2014’ AmazingEurope 更是迫不及待准备将欧洲经典世故立即转达于您,和您分享我们多年累计的欧洲团 体旅游经验,以便您可更实际的去感受欧洲丰富的文化遗产和风土人情。"在家千日好,出门一朝难", 还有另一句英国老话,"到了罗马就 学罗马人", 因此我们也将一些完全与我们社会截然不同的各国习惯、生活习俗简单的介绍给您以便参考并希望能给您留下美好的印象. 饮水 @ Drinking Water 欧洲自来水大致安全随时可饮用。唯有意大利必须煮开。罐装矿泉水到处可以购买,请团员随身携带以便沿途止渴。最便宜的矿泉水多在咖 啡座,或超级市场以及高速公路上的餐厅咖啡室。但请勿在享用晚餐的时候带进餐厅,尤其是西式餐馆。餐厅跑堂及服务员乐于销售各种饮 料,原因是欧洲团体膳食均不包含茶水,也因为服务生可从中获得额外的津贴,习俗多年不变,敬请留意。一般价钱若粗算是:啤酒~3.3 欧元或者是 2 英镑;可乐~3.3 欧元或者是 1 英镑;矿泉水~3 欧元或者是 1 英镑;咖啡红茶~2 欧元或者是 0.7-1 英镑。一公升矿泉水,在 廉价商店大约是 0.5 至 1 欧元或 0.5 英镑不等。 电压器 @ Continental Electric Converter/ Electric Voltage Converter 欧洲酒店均不提供水壶或开水壶,您最好携带旅行装的泡水器,方便您晚间在房内冲泡咖啡或者中国茶等饮料,省钱省事。但千万注意勿将 热器未冷却的时候放在地毯或者桌子上烫毁公物,赔钱令当别论,给酒店经理带来烦恼之事,尽量避免。英国以及欧洲的电压都是 110 V, 插头于国内的电器也不一样。英国电器插头,是呈三角方柱型,欧洲其它国家插头都属两根圆柱行,请留意。 电话通讯 @ Tele Communication 阁下若携带英国手机卡,请务必充值足够金额,欧洲各地都可使用,方便省钱省时。公共电话也是随处可见,您最好是事先准备好当地的电 话卡,避免使用麻烦的硬币,同时,请勿购买高价值电话卡,以免造成浪费。 货币 @ Currency 欧元通用每一个您到访的欧盟国家,因此方便得很,奉劝阁下预先换好欧元货币,以免在邻国银行兑换时手续费高昂。也请准备好一部分硬 币,方便作小费开销。购物时也可用信用卡,一般来说,每个商店都有信用卡机,很方便。 膳食 @ Dinner Meals Provided 根据我们的经验以及团员的反映,我们的导游会尽量安排您在当地的中餐馆用膳。一般来说,各地的餐馆烹饪水平不同,服务也不同,较普 通的作为安排为 10 人一桌,并提供 5 菜一汤,加白饭,香茶及时下水果;有时也会 6 人一桌,4 菜一汤,白饭,香茶及时下水果,根据具 体情况,导游会做适当的调整。 教堂瞻仰 @ Church & Cathedral Visit 欧洲是一个天主教及基督教信仰大陆,不少教堂都是参观圣地,由于当地不少善男信女在场默默祷告,团体到场请勿大声喧哗。为表示尊重, 进场时请勿穿著无袖露肩服饰,女士们裙子要过膝盖,男士应将帽子脱下,关闭手提电话。 罗马观光 @ Rome Explorer 所有巴士都要在指定地方停车,罗马市内不允许旅行车行驶,城市观光有专门的蓝色巴士,车资需要团员自己来承担。团员必须跟紧大队, 由导游带领,以步行的方式浏览城市。一般来说,步行时间为 7 到 8 小时,包括自由活动时间在内,请各位团员做好准备。夏季烈日当空, 请准备好太阳伞、矿泉水避免不必要的麻烦。观光车是现金交易,现场购买,票价一般是 7-8 欧元左右。某些团,住宿村落,也提供乡间 火车,直通罗马,到时,领队也许会采取不同的方式,敬请留意。 普通药物 @ General Medicine 晕车晕船,或者水土不服,欧洲看医生,语言复杂,安排麻烦。随身带上良药,能解霎时烦恼。 长途旅游观光车 @ Continental Touring Coaches 欧洲观光,半世纪以来都是乘坐豪华观光旅游巴士。车上采用最新、最豪华的巴士,奔驰欧洲大陆,车窗宽大无阻,车内有紧急厕所,冷热 空调。当团体人数超过 40 人或更多,领队将依情况,作轮流调位, 以示公平。每天坐不同的位子,您也可以从不同的角度欣赏窗外的景色。 如有晕车问题,轮流调位将由领队个别处理,恕不提供特权。请团员保证座位整洁,卫生间干凈,请勿在车厢内喝咖啡或吃雪糕,油腻食品 等。车厢内备有废物箱。 服务小费 @ Services Tippings 欧洲各地生活水平较高,收入较微的行业如酒店服务生、餐厅跑堂、的士或长途司机等均希望能在服务后得到小费以获得额外的收入,作为 消费者也借此表示对服务者的感谢。如果您单独在餐厅用餐,请在离开时在桌上放上总消费的 5- 10%作为小费。离开酒店时,可以在枕头 上放上一个硬币给清洁小姐。您的欧洲司机与领队,多天的服务,行程安排以及旅途中您的安全都下了不少心思,也希望团员在旅游过程中 赏赐小费。【您所交的团费,不包含此项费用】一般来说,小费每人每天 4 欧元,领队代为收取费用。 小心扒手 @ Beware of Pickpocket and Thief 由于现在欧洲各边境大门大开,前东欧或阿尔巴尼亚各国游牧民族散布大小城镇,扒手与小偷很多,请团员们看管好自己的随身物品,尤其 是钱包、相机、护照等贵重物品,以免一些不必要的麻烦。夫妻俩最好分开钱财收藏以防万一。 护照保管与回程机票 @ Passport 请您将护照与回程机票及重要文件复印一份,另有收藏,以备不时之需。Passport and Return Malaysia air ticket is must bring document for UK custom checking purposes. It’s not necessary to bring your passport along during sightseeing unless you need it for purchase

some branded Tax- Free product. Our best advised is store you passport in luggage rather then bring it’s along all the time with you; coach driver will lock the coach luggage cabin most the time until back in hotel.
团体失散 @ Lose or Missing up with Group 请携带旅店名单,若您与团体失散,请自雇用的士,按地址返回旅店。领队与司机若已超过休息时间,恕不特为您接送,领队有手机,请尽 管联系。 Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for further details, Thank you. Managed By: Hallam Travels Management J.V CTT bvba Belgium Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

Dear 2014’ AmazingEurope Passenger,
We can’t wait immediately convoy and show you the classical European sophistication environment. Through our many years group travel experience in European and to ensure our passenger can be more practical to experience the rich cultural heritage, habits of local society and life style of European, we are here to briefly introduce some guideline for you reference in order to make you journey more impressive and convenience.
Drinking Water European tap water is generally safe and drinkable at any time, only Italy advised to boil before drinking. Bottle mineral water can be purchased everywhere in tourist attraction; BUT passenger is advised to carry own drinking water in order along the thirst quencher as money saving option too. Normally cheapest mineral water does selling in local cafes, supermarkets and highway restaurant cafe. Most of European hotels may not provide kettle, as consider to passenger convenience for night time coffee or tea brewer each coach will bee provide 2 water kettles for sharing. Continental Electric Converter / Electric Voltage Converter The United Kingdom and the European general power point voltage is same as 110 V BUT the plug-in device for electrical appliances are not the same. British electrical plug was three triangular squares but European country plug was two pin points thus you MUST ready a continental/ universal adapter or converter for you electrical device charging purpose. Kindly take note!!! Telephone communications @ Tele Communication If you are carrying British register/ prepare mobile phone line, be sure to load sufficient amount for roaming usage. British network is auto roaming to most EU country BUT please take notes don’t turn on you mobile network data as its may charge sky high data roaming fees; text message is the best way to communicate with family or friends while in European compare to roaming call. Public telephone is everywhere in European, if you make frequent IDD call the best way is using local IDD phone card but do not buy high-credit telephone cards as you will not staying in the country for long in order to avoid wastage. Currency @ Currency Notes Euros currency can be use in most of EU countries. To maximize you convenient we advise all passenger prepare sufficiency Euros currency for general use in order to avoid high commission charge in local money changer. Generally, most of European store do accept major credit card for tourist convenience in purchase and shop for branded and expensive goods. Meal @ Dinner Meals Provided Our tour manager will try to arrange tour provide meal at local Chinese restaurant as to satisfy most of passenger desire. In general, we will arrange 10 pax/ table for dinner with provide five dishes plus one soup includes rice and Chinese tea; the tour manager will make the appropriate arrangement for vegetarian, please inform earlier. Church & Cathedral Visit Europe is a continent of Catholic and Christian faith and many churches is visited in this Holy Land, due to respect local believers and pray in silence, please do not make much noise while visiting. Please Do Not wear sleeveless or strapless dress to show respect to religion too, men should hat off and prefer to off your mobile phone while visiting. Rome Sightseeing @ Rome Explorer Due to local council restrict and heritage protected regulation. All tourist coaches must park in designated areas, Rome city does not allow a station wagon traveling. For Rome sightseeing day tour manager will arrange guided walk to lead yours browse around this ancient significant empire city and members must be followed in tight brigade. In general, tour group will walking for 7-8 hours including free & easier time, For this particular day in Rome we strongly advised passenger wear sport shoe or sandal, wear casually but NOT simply as we will visit to Vatican City, and also prepare umbrellas and mineral/ drinking water to avoid sunburn as Rome usually will be very warm in that season. General Medicine generic drugs All passenger is advised to bring some general travel medicine or personal medicine as European country is quite difficulties to visit a doctor due communication problem and trouble in arrangements. Continental Touring Coaches For European tour standard we using only latest continental coaches to ensure maximized comfortable of passenger during the long continent journey. Continental touring coach will normally fitted with large and clean windows for better scene viewing for passenger; it’s fitted with emergency toilets, hot and cold air conditioning and large luggage cabin. Tour members are advised to keep tidy in coach and do not consume coffee or ice cream, hot greasy food inside the coach to avoid bad odors which may affect others passenger. Services Tipping Due higher living standards throughout European, revenues minor industry such as hotel waiters, restaurant waiters, taxi or long-distance drivers and etc. will hope to get additional revenue service tips as consumer thanks and appreciated to the sincere service provide. If having meals in local restaurant you may kindly leave 5 - 10% of the total consumption as tips. When leaving the hotel, you can put a coin on the pillow for the cleaning lady. European drivers and tour manager who provide multi-day service during the journey to ensure you’re comfortable and safety will also hope that the tours members to process reward tips as appreciate to their sincere services. In general, the suggest tipping is 4 euros per passenger per day, the tour manager will arrange for tipping collection while during or end of journey. Beware of Pickpocket and Thief *** VERY IMPORTANT Due open of European border the former Eastern and Albania countries citizen was distribute in large cities and small towns especially in tourist attraction location. Please be aware there are a lot of pickpockets and thieves keep hunting target in tourist area. All group members must beware themselves and their belongings especially the wallet, camera, passport and other valuables to avoid unnecessary trouble. Passport and Air Return Ticket *** VERY IMPORTANT Passenger passport and air return ticket is the most important documentation to keep safe while during the journey. Please make 2 photocopies of your passport and important documentaries, keep safe and prepare for contingencies issues. Passport and Return Malaysia air ticket is must bring document for UK custom checking purposes. It's not necessary to bring your original passport along during sightseeing unless you need it for purchase some branded Tax-Free product. Our best advised is store you passport in cabin luggage rather then bring it's along all the time with you; coach driver will lock the coach luggage cabin most the time until back in hotel. Lose or missing with Group *** VERY IMPORTANT All passengers are advised to carry hotels contact list and save tour manager mobile for in case missing with group. Please don’t hesitate to make emergency call to Tour Manager if any unexpected issue happens to you.

Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

2014’ AmazingEurope Tour

16 day 15 nights

欧洲团自费项目简介/ Optional Attraction Introduction 尊敬的团友们/ To Our Valuable Trip Members, Welcome to whom joining our 16 day AmazingEurope tour. To ensure well utilised our journey time, we usual do introduce some optional attraction for your consideration. Below mentioned optional attraction is voluntary to joint during trip journey without compulsory force, the Tour Manager will manage and share his opinion for your consideration. 欢迎大家来参加 2014’ AmazingEurope 欧洲旅游团,为了丰富大家在欧洲期间的活动,我们特推荐自费 项目。此项目是在客人自愿的前提下参加的,组织此项目的导游不会带有任何强迫态度。

2014’ AmazingEurope Optional List/ 自费项目表
项目 Optional Attraction 1 阿姆斯特丹游船 Amsterdam Canal Cruise -(Holland) 2 阿姆斯特丹红灯区游览 Red-Light District Explorer – (Holland) 3 Amsterdam 1 hour Erotic Life Sex Show – (Holland) 4 威尼斯游船 Venice Gondola 30min Canal Cruise- (Italy) 5 铁力士雪山 Mountain Titlis Snow Cap Explorer - (Switzerland) * 6 巴黎夜景游览 Paris Night View Explorer- (France) 7 塞纳河游船 Paris Seine River Cruise- (France) 8 法国大餐 French Dinner (France) 4 Course Meal 自费价 Price Free Gift Free Gift 40.00 € 22.00 € CHF 68 / * 57.00 € Free Gift Free Gift 38.00 €

Above mentioned is special group price for 20 pax group and above, price might be vary if less than 20 pax. Rate might be varying/ difference due to European currency market fluctuated, its will pending to latest Foreign Currency Exchange Rate listed on attraction ticket centre. Kindly re-confirm with your tour manager for latest price updated before you decide to joint.

以上为 20 个人以上的团组优惠价格,如人数少于 20,可能无发享受此价格,具体价格根据参加人数而 进行调整。 Best wishes to your have a safer and pleasant journey with wonderful memories in European. 祝旅途愉快! Best Regard, KC Choy Planning Director UK: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 Malaysia: +6012 6976225 Hallam Travel Management Co. (UK) Hallam Travels & Tour Management Co. (Malaysia) City Trip Travel bvba @ Transibus Belgium @

Feel free to contact KC Choy: +44 7921259088/ 7475202552 or email to for more details, Thank you. Managed by: Hallam Travel Management UK J.V CTT bvba Belgium

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...Charles Lucas Brenda Craven English Composition 101VA 1 July 2013 The Tour As a young man, leaving your home country for the first time is a very scary endeavor. I had barely left the small state of West Virginia, much less, traveled abroad to a whole other continent. I was about to embark upon the second adventure of my adult life. The first being my first airplane ride to attend basic training at Fort Bliss, in El Paso, Texas. I was happy to be doing be doing things as an adult, and I was proud to serve my country, yet I was very anxious about what may lie ahead for me. I guess at that age, and my lack of experience, I could not understand why I was going to Korea. There was no war going on there, and I was an American soldier. What in the world would I need to do in the Republic of Korea? I considered myself to be a lucky man. because I was going on what was considered to be a hardship tour. I was afforded the opportunity to take 30 days leave from the US Army, to spend with my family. I explained to my loved ones that I would be stationed in South Korea for a year, and I would not be home until the completion of my tour. My mom took it a little harder than everyone else, but she managed to pull herself together, and just enjoy the few days we had together. I visited with everyone to say my last good byes, and then it was time to go. My journey began on the 27th of December in 1985. I arrived at the small airport in Charleston, West Virginia...

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...References: 1. About SiverKris. (2013). Silverkris. Retrieved from 2. AsiaOne (22 October, 2010). SPH took top spots in Nielsen Media Index 2010. Retrieved from 3. Belch, G. E., & Belch M. A. (2009). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (8th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill 4. Boopen, S. Assessing the Role of Marketing Promotion in Tourism Development in a dynamic time series Framework. International Research Symposium in Service Management. 24-27 August, 2007. 5. China Inbound Tourism in 2011. (n.d.). In Retrieved from 6. Heng, J. (03 November, 2012). ST still Singapore’s most-read newspaper: survey. Retrieved from 7. Hudson, S. (2008). Tourism and Hospitality Marketing: A Global Perspective. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 8. Janus Corporate Solutions Pte Ltd. 2013. The People of Singapore. Retrieved 1 August 2013 from 9. Ministry of Manpower. 2012. Singapore Yearbook of Manpower Statistics. Retrieved 1 August 2013 from

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