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Ulysses S. Grant Case Study

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Roughly 9,000 men under Gordon and Fitzhugh Lee conveyed in the fields west of the town before first light and held up. The assault, propelled before 8:00 a.m. what's more, driven by General Bryan Grimes of North Carolina, was at first fruitful. The dwarfed Union rangers fell back, incidentally opening the street. In any case, it was not to be. Union infantry started landing from the west and south, finishing Lee's encompassing. In the interim, Longstreet's troops were being squeezed from the back close New Hope Church, three miles toward the east. General Ulysses S. Gift's objective of cutting off and wrecking Lee's armed force was close nearby.

Bowing to the unavoidable, Lee requested his troops to withdraw through the town and back over

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