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Unit 3 Health and Social Care as


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Health and Social Care
Early Years Provision

Controlled Assessment Task

Task 1: Preparation:
As part of my coursework I will be investigating a service in the Early Years sector.
The following are the aims for my coursework:
The range of care needs of your client group
(The choice of health, developmental and social needs of babies and children)
I would questionnaire parents and also questionnaire different staff for each service (Primary Research). I also would research from health and social care fact books (Secondary Research).The reason I would questionnaire parents and staff is because they have the knowledge and understanding of young babies and children and know what the choice of needs are for them. The other reason is because they have also the experience in which they can and give to me. The reason I would research from health and social care fact books are because people who have taken degrees in these subject have written these books and would be more reliable that me searching on the Internet for this aim.
The ways your client group can obtain care services and the possible barriers that can prevent them from gaining access to these services.
(The customs that babies and children can gain from care services and the achievable barriers that can stop babies and children from getting hold of access to these services).
I would research on the internet and questionnaire service providers. The reason I would research ask services is because they do offer the services and would know all about why they stop babies and children from getting hold of these services. The reason I would search the internet is so that I can get a second point of view and because other people have written on the websites I will be getting information from them who are mothers, fathers or carers.
The types of services that exist to meet your client group’s needs, and how they are developed and organised.
(The different types of services that live to assemble the babies and children’s needs, and how they are developed and ordered)
I would go around and look at the different services in the local area.
The reason I would research in the local area is because I would be asking them and getting the information. No-one else would be telling the information to me and I will be getting the information first hand. I will go inside services and ask them what you do to ensure that you have met all the clients’ needs.

The principles of care that underpin all the work with the clients
(The values of care that strengthen all the effort with babies and children)
I would ask managers and staff because they know the rules of the facilities and can help me to understand what they exactly do for their clients and how they assist them in a way that their clients would be fulfilled. I would also ask parents and the reason for that is because they would know and have experienced what they have done to strengthen the efforts with the services.
The main work roles and skills of people who provide health, social care and Early Years services
(The major labour roles and skills of individuals who provide health, social care and Early Years services)
I would observe the staff and babies & children at work placements.
The reason I would observe the staff and babies & children at work placements is because I would be able to see all the work roles and skills of them and there abilities of what they can or can not do. That would help me because I would be able to see first hand and to observe what exactly a nursery needs to function. When I reach there I will also be questioning them what roles do you need in this service for it to work efficiently.

In my placement, my current role is to assist the children in their learning e.g. to help with lessons, listen to them read and to play educational games to develop their spellings. I am working with 6-7 year olds studying in year 2. I contribute to the staff team by cleaning the tables after they do painting or craft work, sharpening colouring pencils, tidy tables’ e.g. clear up books, pencils etc.

TASK 2- The needs of clients and the types of services that exist to meet their needs.

My placement is at St Cyprians Greek Orthodox Primary school. The reason for placement is to explore the needs of clients and the types of services that exist to meet their needs.
St Cyprian's Greek Orthodox Primary School
Springfield Road
Thornton Heath
CR7 8DZ [24]

St Cyprians Greek Orthodox Primary school is a primary school that takes in ages between 3- 11 years of age. It has 392 children enrolling at this voluntary aided school. Its religious character is Greek Orthodox and also is mixed (girls and boys).

Around this school there are many facilities and services.
There is a local school uniform store in which parents can purchase them for their child. There are two girl secondary schools close by for the pupils to attend when they have finished their primary education. There are bus stops for the parents to deliver their child at school with out them having to walk
Too much. There are local corner shops for children to buy water or snacks for their pack lunches or as a snack at break. There is
A nearby GP for any accidents at school that might of happened to the pupil. A local swimming pool is in the local area for the pupils to
Learn an extra skill that can develop their intellectual and physical state.

St Cyprian’s primary school offers services for the children that attend there
That contributes to their health needs, the school offer first aid to any child that has been hurt during break and lunch time or during class time. If they have cut on their finger, they would put a plaster on it, if they had a headache, they would give an ice pack for the pupil to put on their head. The children have 2 hours of physical education a week which can improve on a child’s health and exercise rate’s as 23% of year 6 children (10-11 Years old) in Croydon are obese. In key stage 1, classes are given to develop on their fine and gross motor skills such as writing, running, throwing and catching a ball and riding a tricycle. At break and lunchtimes they offer playing equipment and time for the children to run around and have time to take fresh air, this can help a chid as it can improve health and can make the child even more ready to learn. St Cyprian’s primary school contributes to their pupils intellectually by teaching them new skills to them that is essential for them to an additional language that can help them positively as it will help them understand different cultures with in the language. They make sure that the child is being challenged and working to their best ability, that is essential because without a child being pushed to the best of their ability that can cause a degrade in gaining new skills and abilities with can cause a physiological barrier as the child might believe he/she is already clever and does need to study or develop on new ideas. Every half term they assess the child’s progress to make sure that there are no problem with the child’s learning or if they need extra support at home as well as at school. Emotionally, my placement has PSE lessons every Wednesday afternoon, the point of these lessons are for the child to feel confident and secure while the teacher covers issues that could negatively or positively affect them such as bullying, friendships and relationships, health and safety and thinking about others. Socially they offer classroom/ circles games that can help a child understand their peers and make new friends. And they also give out lessons on family and how family can help and support you.

My placement work with SEN (special education needs) to observe any child that teachers or parents feel need help or is having some difficulty in class with learning such as children with dyslexia or autism. Also they work with SEN Team to make sure that every child is given lessons that they will understand and if it is going to be harder a member of that team will separately work with that child to help them. They work with outside translators for any child that has newly come into this country and has not had a chance to learn English. They work with local social services, so if teachers or members of staff are in any doubt of any child being physically or verbally abused or neglected, they will talk to senior management and if the case needs to be transferred to social services then it will be. Ever year the police forces come in to talk about safety and how to identify crime in the local area, it is essential for the children of the school to take part in this session because crime is something that affects us more and more due to today’s society and when the children grow up it will probably get further out of control than it is.

For my coursework, the client group that I am studying are babies and children. I am studying the care needs of babies and children. Babies and children range around 0-11 years of age. As infants they all have many developments for them to make. With these rapid developments, there are many responsibilities for the parents to obtain the basic needs of their child. Babies and children depend on the parents to care for them and take responsibility for their actions and doings. Babies and children have health needs, developmental needs and social needs.

The Maslow’s Hierarchy is the arrangement of the needs that babies and children require for them to develop normally. It is created because it shows us the requirements that babies and children have and without the one before you can not gain the one in front. The foundation of the hierarchy is basic needs. They are crucial for anyone to survive especially babies and children. Basic needs are essential because it keeps babies and children healthy and with out that they might find health complications and maybe even death. E.g. Food, water & Clean air for easy breathing. Safety needs are needs that are in place for an individual to be protected against danger that life brings. It is essential for babies and children because they are not yet old enough for them to look after their selves and need to be protected against life changing dangers such as diseases and health issues. It very important for the parent to bring protection over the child because if the child feels that t your own mother/father can look after them they will feel like they are not important and will be neglected throughout. E.g. Shelter, Protection brought by parents, Security from the outside world. Social needs for babies and children are the basic things that they need to live in sufficient and efficient way. Babies and children require social needs because they are requirements needed for them to communicate with ease, confide with in their selves with confidence and is also important when wanting to make new friends they have these skills to make the child find a new mate, as they are not born with friends. E.g. play groups, parents and baby time, nursery. Self-esteem needs are needs that helps you build your confidence and make you content with who you are and are not afraid of anyone. They are important for babies and children because they will make the child happy with what they have, pleased with the people surrounded by them and also praise and encouragement is essential so they can feel good with them selves. E.g. Time for parents to encourage and praise the child/children, sessions for children to feel good about their selves such as socializing activities, activities that show the child’s real personality. Achievement needs shows us that the need for self-actualization necessary implies that every person has abilities that permit exact growth within them.[13] Achievement needs are essential for babies and children because when they identify they have done a right act, they know that they will get some kind of recognition when they get home. It can increasingly build their confidence. It will also teach them what right and wrong is. E.g. parents should attend certificate assemblies, commend when they have done something right and the parents should tell them if the difference between right and wrong. The reason it is at the peak of the pyramid is because you can not gain this need without gaining all of the ones below .The ultimate satisfaction is for a baby/child to obtain self-fulfilment which is vital for when their future.

Health Needs

Health needs are needs that every human has for them to be in health and if some one does not have these basic concerns then they must talk to a local doctor. Immunisations and vaccinations are intended to protect any one from severe illness or diseases. Babies need them so they can hopefully be prevented from life changing illnesses, without those babies and children are more vulnerable in catching severe infections such as polio and meningitis. As most diseases are contagious and babies might go out or need to go to nursery, they may catch these infections; even if they don’t go out they may catch it from visiting friends or family. Babies and children are young and will be prone to get these diseases and when caught it will only get worse when the Infant tries to grow [1] [2] [3] [4]. A healthy diet is one that maintains or improves your general lifestyle. A baby needs a healthy diet because these foods they learn to eat now will affect them when they grow older. For example if a baby eat/drinks fizzy drinks, chocolates and biscuits, that child, if it continues eating in that way can gain severe life threatening illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. For a baby to eat the wrong food it will severely damage their growth and lifestyle for example it could make a young child obese or underweight. Without exercise a child could turn obese, so a child is recommended to have at least sixty minutes of out or indoor exercise activities. There are many illnesses caught from obesity especially heart related as the heart has either too much fat around it or it is not moving enough. Unpolluted air is air in which is clear and pure and has not undertaken in burning of chemicals or waste. It is important for a baby to breath in clean air because if breathed that polluted air could have a big impact on the baby or child’s breathing status, it can develop asthma, heart conditions, lung diseases and if breathed some of the more dangerous pollutants it can cause cancer. Babies and children would be unaware if they breathe in polluted air so the parent or carer has to take responsibility of the location of where they are at and the babies’ health all need to be taken in to consideration [5]. Good eye sight is a person having the ability to see in a way that is of a good standard. It is important for a baby to have good eyesight because any problems not discovered know will only get worse when young child is growing up. Children should have the first eye exam at the age of 3 and that is because the earlier it is detected the earlier it can be corrected. There is a point in having an eye exam for babies and children because there could be eye infections in your family even if you think it would never happen because it has not happen to. Precautions save lives. If a baby has not been to an eye exam and can not see sufficiently then it will be missing a milestone from its life and will find it hard to understand and interpret this world. [6] Healthy teeth are teeth that are healthy in a way that they do not have decays and plaque. Plaque can cause decay which can harm baby’s teeth. Parents must make sure at the age of 6 months and beyond babies and children brush their teeth at the two recommended times which are in the morning and at night. At the age of 3 the young child can be taken to see a dentist in where he or she will look at how their teeth are doing and any problems that needs to be rectified. If children do not rectify any problems in the mouth including teeth there teeth can come out much earlier and can cause diseases in the mouth. [7]
Developmental Needs

Developmental needs are the Intellectual and Emotional needs that every one need for them to grow up sufficiently.
In this paragraph I am going to be indentifying the intellectual needs of babies and children and why they need them. Language skills are skills that you develop when learning a new language. Language skills to a baby are starting to increase the basic knowledge of how to communicate with other people. Babies and children start talking in their first 2 yrs of life. They start to discover their tongues and lips and start with noises like ‘oooh’ and ‘aaahh’ At as early as 4-5 months, they start with words like mama and dada that might be because they hear other children say it and will copy phrases from them and also because they are easy words which do not contain much syllables. From then on they pick up words and phrases that surround around them. As the baby grows older intellectually and emotionally he will use his language skills to describe what he/she feels, sees, hears smells and tastes in this world. Babies and children normally start to talk in the language that is talked at home. To develop the child’s language skills you can, read stories, sing songs, name objects when you look at them and ask open ended conservations. The reason babies and children need these skills are because they are necessary when a young child wants to talk effiencently to people such as friends or members of family also how well a child talk determines how well they can read. So it is important because without those basic skills the child will find it hard at school.[8][9] Written skills is when a person gains the skills in which he/she can write Written skills to a child are learning the alphabet and basic words. Babies and children start to develop these skills at 12 months where he/she has developed all their fine motor skills and knows how to grasp a crayon or pencil. When holding a Crayon, some find it hard to move the pencil around but others will do it effortlessly At 19 months the baby’s drawings will start taking form but can not start forming numbers and letters. At age of 3 the child will start to write his/her name or at least some of it. To a baby Written skills are more harder than language skills because language is some thing you can hear and will be able to take in as someone is saying anything but writing/drawing you have to learn how to use your fine/motor skills and before you learn that you have to learn how control your gross/motor skills, which is in this case the arm and the fingers. These skills are important because without these basic skills they would not be able to do well at school and would be missing out on her education and as well he/hers career Written skills to a baby is also another form of communication so if they can not write/draw in a way that you will be able to understand what they have wrote/draw. [10] Social Skills are skills which you will have to learn to communicate with people with confidence and ease efficiently. Social Skills to babies and children is being able to share and get along with fellow children their age. Socially, babies interact with the parent, more preferably the mother; he/she learns to love the parent’s voice and will instantly become its best friend. During the first year, babies will try to assess what he/she can do first and interact with you more. After he/she does that they will notice more people but will avoid them and run to its carers for support. At the age of 2, he/she will enjoy being the centre of attention but as they grow older they understand the concept of sharing and being considerate to other kids. Babies and children with older siblings find it easier to socialize as they practise everyday with basic conversations. The reason that social skills are important to babies and children are because without these skills they would not be able to communicate with ease without feeling shy and less confident than a baby/child who has gained the social skills needed to talk without
In this paragraph I am going to be identifying the Emotional needs for babies.
Developing personal relationships is when some one develops a relation between another person who makes them unite together and keep contact. Developing personal relationships to baby is keeping close to someone that has been with you ever since birth such as a mother .Babies and children have very intimate relationships with their mother / parents, this is because they were the ones that they saw when first entering this world and starting the journey of a new life. Babies rely on their closest person to them, so if they get hurt or upset that guardian will be the first person they will turn to for guidance and support. As they grow older and spend more time exploring this newly found environment, they will find new people and family members and will start bonding as they find some thing new to do together or a similarity between them but they will only start properly bonding when they have spend that right amount of time together and if they do find a similarity between them both and not a highly aggravated difference .Babies and children need personal relationships because without them they would not have a person they can talk to discreetly and with confidence and have confidence in to making intimate relationships and having friendships that they will find at the age of school and nursery.
Developing effective Communication is when you need to develop the communication needed to talk with ease. Developing effective Communication to a child is developing to convey meaningful information to people surrounding them. Babies and children need this skill because without them the child can not convey meaningful information and might find it hard to find friends that understand what they are saying. Babies can develop this skill by having siblings or other children by them and developing communication through learning from siblings/children and by attending some sort of play group which they can interact with others. [9]
Social Care Needs

Social care needs for babies and children are the basic things that they need to live in sufficient and efficient way. Babies and children need them because adequate clothing is the basic clothing needed to keep them safe from the changing environment. Adequate clothing is essential for babies and children because it will keep them safe from the changing environment. As they are so young, they are more prone to getting infections and diseases that are caused by the environment and the weather. Clothing differs between the seasons e.g. you can not put a t-shirt on a child when it is pouring down with snow and you can not put on a heavy winter’s coat on a child when we are in the middle of a heat wave. Babies and children are growing rapidly, so they will be growing out of clothes more regularly than adults since they do not have much more growing for them to do. In that concept, babies and children will need often purchase of new clothes and shoes. Buying new clothes can be very expensive, especially if parents have other children they need to cater for. There are many benefits for oversized families that do not have the money to supply for the child’s needs and there are many charity and second-hand shops that sell second-hand clothes that are in good condition. Babies and children also need adequate clothing because when they enter primary school/nursery they might start to get bullied for wearing torn, scruffy and clothes that are not suitable to the environment that is surrounding them. Overall babies and children need adequate clothing because it will make them less prone to infections and also keep them safe from the changing environment also adequate clothing keeps their human rights fully intact. Emotional support is support from your family, friends, colleagues that take into consideration about how you are feeling and any fears that you are facing. Emotional support is very important to babies and children because it develops how they are feeling and any worries that have been created will soon be over when a parent/carer talks to the child in an easing way. Emotional support can also affect their daily lives by to many uncertainty, they will start taking unnecessary action and can also cause problems at school/nursery. Emotional support is similar to self-esteem, when someone has no worries or Dis -comfort their confidence goes up. Emotional support for babies and children is normally found by their parents or extremely close relatives. Adequate shelter is shelter that fits in with human rights; which contain warmth, sustainability and cleanliness. Adequate shelter is essential for babies and children because without adequate shelter they can be more prone to diseases such as hypothermia and frostbite. Parents/carers should provide adequate shelter as they are responsible of the child and needs to fulfil their human rights in a way that is adequately done. Adequate shelter can also determine the quality of food available for the residents. The food could be dated / rotten/ destroyed or there might not even be any there or else there weren’t any there in the first place.

Task 3-How services can be obtain and possible barriers to access to services
A referral is the ways that people gain access to care services.
There are four types of referrals: 1. Compulsory referral 2. Third party referral 3. Self-referral 4. Professional referral 1. Compulsory referral is when the client is unable to make their own decision about receiving a care service .For example when a child is not feeling well and his/her parent makes an appointment at the local medical appointment. 2. Third-party referral is when a person is put in contact with a service by a friend, neighbour, relative or other person who is not employed as a care practitioner. E.g. an aunty works at a local nursery and enrols the child at that nursery. E.g. when a neighbour realises that there is a problem next door and calls social services. 3. Self referral is when a person chooses to ask for or go to the services him or herself. E.g. If a child hurts himself and asks to go the local hospital. If a child is ill (vomiting) and asks to go to the GP. 4. Professional referral is when a person is put into contact with a service by a care practitioner; such as a doctor, nurse or social worker. E.g. when a doctor realises that there is a problem with the child and brings them back for check up or session.
A barrier is when there is a fence that stops you from gaining the thing that you want or need. There are 6 types of barriers to care:
Cultural and language
Physical barriers
Physiological barriers
Financial barriers
Geographical barriers
Resource barriers
Cultural and language barriers are when a person has difficulty in speaking the native language of the country. Cultural beliefs about who should offer care, how children should be looked after and who should look after them. The child’s parents that cannot speak the native language of the country might find it difficult to communicate that their child has a medical problem or has an allergy. E.g. A service provider has difficulty in talking to a parent about their child’s development due to different language. Intellectually it might affect a child because if they do not know how to speak English nor has English as an additional language, they might not have the same chance as other pupils have that can speak English. Socially it might be hard for the child to communicate with peers and classmates who can make him/her feel upset as he has no friends or anyone that can understand him. My placement over comes cultural and language by using visual prompts if the child does not understand English and make the instructions simple for example using hand gestures and facial expressions. The SEN Coordinator comes in to see and access the situation and if the child needs an extra translator in class, they will provide it. .
A physical barrier is when a person can not access the care they want or need because of a physical problem. E.g. Lack of toilet facilities for babies when changing their nappy. No place to leave the child’s pushchair when going inside or sleeping. [21] Health wise this barrier might become a problem to people that have disabilities as a care service might not have a disabled toilet which can affect the child’s bladder or could cause pain for them if the parent tries to put them on a regular toilet. Intellectually it could affect the child as they might not have the specific resources for a child with a mental disability to learn. Emotionally that child might feel like an outcast due to them not being given the same chances and rights as people with a disability. Socially other children might treat them differently due to their disability so he/ she might not be able to socialize more, make new friends and interact with others without being judged. My placement over come physical barriers as they have wheel chair access such as lifts and ramps. They have disabled toilets in which unable students can use.
A physiological barrier is a barrier in the mind. E.g. A teenage mum does not want to take her child to nursery as she might feel the service provider will treat her child differently due to her being young and having a baby. E.g. the nursery is full of a specific race and the parent might feel that they would be treated differently due to the colour of their skin. Intellectually it can distract a child from being educated because he / she would listen to remarks made to him/her due to them being of another religion as my placement is a Greek orthodox primary school. Socially the child might find it hard socialize and make new friends as he thinks the other children would not like him/her because they are of another religion and because of that ,does not try to interact. Emotionally the child might feeling left out or embarrassed to be of another religion and might try to destroy their faith just to fit in with the class and school. My placement over come this barrier by having discussions with parents to overcome any problems with the school and child.
A financial barrier is a barrier that prevents you from receiving a service or resource due to lack of money. E.g. a child cannot go on a trip due to lack of money from the family. A parent can’t afford nursery fees for their child. Physically a child might not be able to do outside activities such as swimming, athletic or foot ball as the family does not enough money which can affect a child’s fitness as they could become overweight as they are not exercising. Intellectually it might affect a child because they might not have the right equipment for parents to buy in order for them to gain new skills and abilities such as a P.E kit. Emotionally they might feel hurt as they can’t participate in trips or extra curriculum activities at school or after school. They might feel left out and isolated because every one else is partaking them and that child is not. Socially they might not be able to interact with others because the child might be wearing old clothes as the family does not have enough money and the child might not want to talk to people as he is scared of what others would think of him. At my placement if there is a financial barrier, they show support and understanding to the family, so if there is a trip organized they will pay fro the child. And also keep confidentiality as the family might not want other members of staff to know as they might believe their child will treated differently due to financial problems.
Geographical barriers are to do with problems where the service is located. E.g. If a nursery is on a hill and the parent has to use the push chair up the hill. If there is no nursery nearby and the parent does not have a car. Physically it can affect a child as they might not be able to attend the service e.g. Nursery, primary school, Hospital, park. It might affect their health both positively and negatively as they might have to climb up steep hills. Intellectually it might affect the child because if the service is to far away they might not be attend which could cause a degrade in their new learning of skills and abilities. Emotionally a child might feel upset as they can not attend school or playgroup just because of where they live and that is linked to social because when a child attends school or nursery they make new friends, interact with new people and grow in confidence mentally and physically. At my placement they offer come geographical barriers by using a school bus for children that live further than 5 miles.
A resource barrier is to do with lack of resource to run a service. E.g. A service provider does not have enough money to start a beneficial program. A parent does not have any information of any running groups for her and her child. Physically it can affect a child as the school might not have the right equipment to partake in P.E education which can negatively affect a child’s health and wellbeing. Intellectually a resource barrier can influence a child’s chance of learning a new skill; they might not be able to go extra curriculum lessons as the parents do not know of any services of those criteria that could benefit their child or are not in the local area. Emotionally that child might be feeling disappointed as they do not have enough resources to partake in an activity due to no money or insufficient information. Socially due to this a barrier, this child might not have a chance to make new friend or interact with new people and gain confidence. My placement overcome resource barrier by making do with what they have and to improvise.

Children’s Act 2004
The Children’s Act 2004 provides the legal foundation for how social services and other agencies deal with issues relating to children. The principles of the act to allow children to be healthy
Allowing children to remain safe in their environment To allow children to be healthy Allowing children to remain protected in their environments Helping children to enjoy life Assist children in their quest to succeed Help make a contribution – a positive contribution – to the lives of children Help achieve economic stability for our children’s future.

Children should be kept healthy so in the future they can lead a healthy lifestyle and be protected from preventable diseases and illnesses. E.g. children should be provided by parents a balanced diet and should make sure they are immune to diseases and illnesses. Children should be in a protected environment because as they are too young to look after each other, parents should make sure that they have adequate shelter which stores daily necessities and offers warmth to their young child. E.g. Parents should make sure that the nursery that their child goes to is not prone to dangerous object/roads and illnesses. Helping children to enjoy life is very important for a child because without this encouragement they might feel as if they are not wanted. Enjoying life is mostly supplied by the parent who gives the child support and offers time to do activities together and help build their confidence and self-image for the present and future. E.g. A child has not got any friends and does not have any support from home, this can lead them to rebel and can harm their future; linked to getting a job due to insufficient qualifications and no link to family whether that is making their own family or parents and relatives. Parents to assist their child’s quest as they grow up is very essential because if they know that the parents are behind them in everything that they child does it can improve self-confidence. With the confidence the child can feel self satisfaction and can feel that they have achieved something in life and with the help from their parents they can do anything. Making a contribution to the area can be very simple even for a child to do; sharing with others, helping the environment and ideas to help people or the world in the future. Parents should be behind the child and encourage them to make a positive contribution in to the local area and to the family. E.g. A child offers to help the local school that they attend and decides to be on litter duty to help the big impact already made on waste pollution. Helping to achieve economic stability for the future means. E.g. save money for the child’s later education; or childcare. This act was brought into being in order for the government in union with social and health service bodies to help work towards these familiar goals.

Task4: The roles of people who work in care services
Occupation: Nursery Nurse
Brief description of what the job involves: This job involves caring for little children while parents are at work or doing some kind of training e.g. Studying at University/ College. You have to feed and change children, engage with the children in activities that can develop their intellectual, physical, emotional state, provide a playful, secure and motivating surrounding, to supply a means of communication between parents/carers and professionals, maintain records of the children without passing it on with other organisations and companies; also monitor the clients health and offer first aid when necessary [16]
Qualifications needed to train for the Job: National Nursery Examination Board (NNEB) Diploma in Nursery Nursing which is a 2 year course. [15] | NVQ L3 | CACHE LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA | BTEC NATIONAL DIMPLOMA | How long do you study the course? | You will have to study this course for 1 year. [18] | You will have to study this course 2 years or maybe less. [17] | You will have to study this course for 2 years [20] | Do you have to a placement for the course?Where? | YesYou can do placements at Nurseries & children centres[18] | Yes, [17]Different Practical placements [17] | Yes, 2 days[20]Does not say specifically where. [20] | How old do you have to be to study the course? | You will have to be aged 16- 19 years olds[18] | You will have to be aged 16 or over. [17] | You will have to be aged 16 or over. [20] | What GCSE’s do you need to study the course? | Five GCSEs at Grade C or above or a Level 2 qualification. [19] | No but colleges and training providers can set up their own requirements. [17] | 5 GCSEs grades A-C to include English Language, Maths and Science OR Level 2 Diploma.[20] |
Qualifications needed to do the Job: Cache Level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education or Cache NVQ Level 3 in Children’s Care, Learning and Development. [15]

What is the best course and why?
I would study the Cache Level 3 Diploma because I think that it offers the requirements that I would want to study this course. A Diploma is good for people that enjoy experiences and I am a kinaesthetic learner. Also it offers lots different options and direction to go into as I would like to work with children.
Places of work: Primary Schools, Nurseries, Hospitals, Children Centres. [16]
Expected Salary: The initial salary for a trainee nursery nurse, or one who has limited skill, is around £9,000 to £11,000. Once qualified, the standard wage is around £14,000 to £17,000. [14]


1., 2., 3., 4. 5., 6., 7. 8. 9. gauge/milestone talking/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
24. rimary-school.html

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