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Submitted By tiffanycarb0607
Words 437
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Chap 3

1. What is a live system? What advantages does it have over an installed system? A live system is a Linux session you run on a computer without installing Linux on the computer. When you reboot after a live session, the computer is untouched. They also give you the chance to preview without installing it.

2. Describe the Anaconda installer. Anaconda can perform background processing. You can still be entering information while Anaconda is installing packages and you can skip over the screens that are irrelevant to your install.

3. Where can the installation image used by Anaconda be located? The virtual console

4. Why is it important to test the installation medium? How can you do so? The data can become corrupted while fetching an installation image. It is also possible for a transient error to occur while writing an image to a recordable medium. It can also save you hours of aggravation if the install fails.

5. What should you do if the graphical installer does not work? Try waiting a while and if the installation hangs or try performing a textual installation.

6. When might you specify an ext2 file system instead of ext4? When partitions who data do not change often, because ext4 offers no benefits.

7. Which utilities can you use to partition a hard disk prior to installation? The gnome-disks using a GUI. You can also use the parted or fdisk from the command line.

8. What do you need to do before you can install Fedora as the second operating system on a Windows machine (to create a dual-boot system)?

Make sure there is enough free space on a Windows system. When you boot the updated system you will be able to choose which OS you want to run.

9. How does Anaconda set up a hard disk by default? If the local system only has one disk, Anaconda places a tick over it and it will install the new OS in it.

10. How would you turn off DMA (direct memory access) for all disk controllers when you install a new system? The nodma turns off DMA. To use nodma to turn off DMA you must interrupt the automatic boot process by pressing the SPACE bar while the system is counting down when you first booth from a Live Image or Install Image. Use the ARROW keys to highlight the selection you want before proceeding. With the desired selection highlighted, press the TAB key to display the boot command-line parameters. Enter SPACE followed by nodma and then press RETURN to boot the system.

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