Premium Essay

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape


Submitted By JaszyG
Words 1294
Pages 6
English 101
Professor Ramshaw
October 3, 2011 The Absence And The Crave That Eats Gilbert Grape Alive In the film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, the main character Gilbert takes on the “Father Role” to support his family economically and financially. The fact Gilbert is the man of the house causes him to repress his anger. His sorrow begins to strengthen his rage in a very unhealthy manner. The melancholy that leads to Gilberts weakening has its roots in his family which is what begins to eat Gilbert alive. All his family members play important individual roles in finding out what’s eating Gilbert Grape. In the film, Amy, being the eldest sibling and daughter of the Grapes, plays the “Mother Role” having to take care of the household. “My older sister Amy is more like a mother”, explains Gilbert, making him portray the “Father Figure”; as he states, “My father built this house, and it’s my job to do the repairs.” Amy being the voice of reason tries her best to keep the family together, which causes Gilbert to repress his feelings the more Amy tells him “he has to do better”. In the scene when Gilbert leaves Arnie in the bathtub overnight, causes a fright to the family; which is when Amy begins to tell him, “You gotta do better” because without his help the family will fall apart quickly. This builds up Gilbert’s emotion because he knows just as Amy he has an important role in the family to fill in. Ellen, the youngest of the siblings, concentrates on appearances, specifically hers. While the family is eating dinner, Ellen begins to chew with her mouth open which disgusts Gilbert. He tells Ellen to close her mouth when she is eating, to which Ellen responds sarcastically, “Oh. Okay Dad. Sure thing, Dad.” This aggravates Gilbert because for him it is an insult to be compared to such a man. Gilbert’s job is to support his family financially yet

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