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Why Eat Meat


Submitted By etmoff02
Words 674
Pages 3
Why Eat Meat
Matt Moffa
DeVry University

Why Eat Meat Think of it this way, if everyone turned vegan or vegetarian eventually there will be no fertilizer and then eventually no plants. If we were all vegetarians we would have to turn all our livestock covered farm land into edible plant fields, which means no livestock and therefore no fertilizer. Then we would have to invent some kind of chemical fertilizer to fertilize the fields, but then wouldn’t that being hypocritical? People should eat meat because it is healthy to eat meat and there is a good meat. People need to eat meat because eating meat is healthy for the body. The human body gets many consumption of meat that fruits and vegetables cannot give them. Many vegetarians or vegans could argue that you can substitute those nutrients with pills. This is a viable argument, but how do you think they created those pills? Most vegetarians would say that eating a vegetarian diet is healthier then eating any meat. Well how much healthier is it really? Beef, chicken and fish are all extremely high in protein. This protein, which is not found in plants, is said to improve the overall health of the body, repair and building of tissues, the production of anti-bodies used to strengthen the immune system and contains all the essential amino acids. Other nutrients found in meat are iron, zinc and selenium. Iron helps in forming hemoglobin that transports oxygen to different parts of the body. Zinc helps with tissue formation and metabolism. Selenium is used by the body to break down fat and chemicals. Meat also contains Vitamin A, B and D. These vitamins are used to promote good vision, stronger teeth and bones, and support the central nervous system. Another important benefit of eating meat is the maintenance of the skin’s health. As you can see meat is an

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