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Why Shouldn't Drinking Age Be Lowered


Submitted By idellafalls
Words 1109
Pages 5

While doing this research I have noticed that the views over whether or not the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen has still not been settled. It all started in 1984 with the national minimum drinking age act of 1984. This act required all states to raise their minimum age to 21( This law started on July 17, 1984. For a long time people have talked about the good and bad to being able to drink alcohol before the age of twenty – one and still have not been able to come to a conclusion (Drinking Age Even though most of my peers my think I am crazy for saying this, but I feel the drinking age should not be lowered. Many young American teenagers may disagree with me. They may argue that when you are 18 you can join the army and go to war and die for your country but you still can not drink. Some may say how is eighteen so different from twenty – one. How can three more years of not drinking be helpful to someone maturety level or health. Based on the information I have found in researching, I will explain why the legal drinking age should remain at the age of twenty – one. I will talk about the responsibility that comes with drinking, the medical issues it can cause and the impact it will have on even a younger age group. We as teenagers have not yet reached an age where we can handle alcohol in a responsible way or even understand the effects it can have on us. In most cases a person eighteen or younger are just simply immature. There are 10.1 million underage drinkers in the United States with 39% of the being 8th graders. Underage drinking is associated with many health and social problems. Each year about 5,000 people under twenty – one die from causes related to underage drinking ( Just think when graduation parties go

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