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Why Soccer Is So Popular

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Soccer or better known by the rest of the world by football, it is the number 1 sport in the world, with over 4 billion fans worldwide. Soccer also has the highest viewership around 3.9 billion tuned into the 2014 world cup at some point. The reason why it is so popular is how accessible soccer is. First of all, I am a big fan of this beautiful sport, I play soccer for high school, I am currently practicing soccer 3 times a week and during the weekends I play around 6 games on average in Hispanic leagues. This extraordinary sport brings and unites a lot of people into it, some being analysts which help us understand the sport and how complex it is in reality and how many factors play into a team winning the game. One of the biggest often talked …show more content…
Another factor that some analysts say that another big factor in winning a game is shot supremacy (shot supremacy is the number of total shots of team A divided by total shots of team B). One example of high shot supremacy which leads to a win was the Champions league final 2016/2017 which was Juventus vs Real Madrid, score was 1-4 and Real Madrid won with a total of 18 shots and Juventus had only 9 shots on goal so the shot supremacy is 2 for Real Madrid and a shot supremacy of 0.5 for Juventus. I Believe that shot supremacy and possession are interrelated since if you have the ball with your team you are more likely to take more shots then your opponents thus having a higher shot supremacy than the opponent. When I see Real Madrid play I notice that they have a higher shot supremacy than the opposing also having more possession than the other team, which makes them win games and leagues like winning the Champions League for 2 consecutive

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