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10 Disruptive Behaviors


Submitted By mgreen34
Words 1730
Pages 7
Monique Green
Grand Canyon University: EDU 536-TEM 101

Disruptive behavior cause a lot of problems in the classrooms, and if not managed well it can cause a class to get out of control. The teacher will not be able to teach the students and eventually the students will not learn anything because the teacher cannot teach.

Constantly arriving to class late is very rude and a form of disruptive behavior because when the door is being opened and shut along with loud noises, the student trying to take their seat as well as get out their materials, it causes the students to become distracted. The students look to see who is coming in the door and the noise from the door take s the attention of the instructor and turns it around on the person who just came in. A strategy to correct the behavior is, to make strict, clear but fair consequences for being late (Snyder).
Students who talk during class and or lecture, is not only disruptive but causes them not to learn because they are too busy talking and not paying attention which leads to their academic progress to suffer. It also wastes the teacher and other student’s time, and interrupts the learning of others. A strategy you can use is, especially if you have 20 or more students are, asking students to raise their hands. It allows a chance for every student’s voice to be heard without the interruption of another student and for it to be fair, students’ want to feel that their teacher is treating them equal whether they are outgoing or shy but as long as they are willing to participate(Linsin).
Cell phones are very disruptive because if they ring or vibrate really loud, then everyone watches and or looks for the person to see as they pick up the phone to silence it. Most of the time a teacher will confiscate the phone and give a small lecture on how the rules of no cell phones in class was broken, and how disrespectful and rude it is for student to do that. It does not help to prevent the problem from reoccurring because most students will just get angry and rebel because of the way you just talked to them. The inevitable is going to happen, everyone uses cell phones these days and brings them everywhere they go. So the ringing in class will happen, but a better way to deal with it instead of getting angry and your students rebelling is the teacher may have to regroup by saying, “Now where were we?” “What was the last thing you wrote in your notes?” (Weimer). This prevents the disruption from doing any more harm than it has already done, and it bring the focus back on the teacher and the students can continue learning.

Overt inattentiveness in class can be disruptive by constantly shifting the instructor’s attention from teaching the lesson to having to remind the student or student’s involved in the behavior to either pay attention or wake up during class. It can also lead to the student being dismissed from the classroom which creates a major distraction causing other students to displace there attention to the incident. In some cases overt inattentive students may become hostile or defensive by disagreeing or undermining the instructor’s belief that the student was not paying attention. Trying to involve every student in classroom lessons limits the opportunity for a student to become inattentive. Also rewarding or encouraging students with compliments and positive reinforcement will entice those students who may struggle with paying attention during class to participate and become more actively involved in learning and class discussions. Of course there is no way to completely prevent overt inattentiveness from occurring in the class the instructor for the most part can dictate how much it occurs within the class.

Eating during class can be very disruptive as well. Students who eat during class are usually loud and noisy. This can usually cause other students to lose their focus on the lesson or focus on the student who is eating. It also means that the student who is eating isn’t focused on the lesson as well. This behavior also encourages other students to eat during class which would contribute to the problem and creates more of a distraction during class. This behavior cannot be tolerated. The best way to handle eating during class is to ask all students to refrain from eating or drinking in class. If a student refuses or disobeys the rule the next step would be to confiscate the food or beverage. Standing your ground and not allowing any student to be an exception to the rule also helps maintain order and reminds students to respect the rule and other students during class.

The use of profanity or derogatory language during class is one of the more extreme forms of disruptive behavior during class. The use of this type of language creates a hostile environment for the instructor and the student body. It also can negatively influence other students to participate in using this type of language. Profanity and derogatory language is also very rude, disrespectful, and offensive to everyone who has to listen to it. It can make other student and the instructor extremely uncomfortable. There are some students who use this type of language to try and seem cool or more interesting. This show a lack of maturity by the student. The best way to deal with this type of behavior is to ask the student to refrain from using this type of language. If the student refuses the next step would be to dismiss the student from class, followed by a referral, and a possible parent-teacher conference. There are typically no ways to prevent this type of behavior from occurring because generally this type of behavior stems from either home or the environment the child is being raised in.

Violence is also another extreme form of disruptive behavior. This form of disruptive would have to be considered the worst. Mainly because the student can cause serious harm or injury to themselves and/or everyone in the class. This kind of behavior create a very stressful and chaotic environment for all parties involved. This completely distracts students from the lesson due to the fact the some students may instigate and others may be fearful of their wellbeing. Violence or even the threat of violence should never be taken lightly and extreme measure should always be taken when it occurs. The first step to violence or any threat of violence is to alert the school security and administration. If an event should arise the instructor should always do their best to verbally defuse this situation and if the situation escalates the instructor should try to refrain the student from inflicting harm on themselves or others until school authorities arrive to defuse the situation. In any event the student or students engaged in the act should be immediately dismissed from the classroom. To prevent this type of behavior from occurring the instructor should be very aware of students who may seem aggressive or have a history of violence. Monitoring their students constantly and continuing to be alert contributes to the idea of maintain a positive and safe learning environment.

Intoxication and suspected use of banned substances is another form of disruptive behavior. This kind of behavior also should not be tolerated or taken lightly. This is mainly because intoxication or use of a banned substance can lead to the student engaging in other forms of disruptive behavior. Intoxication can lead to overt inattentiveness such as sleeping and even violence because if effects one’s judgment and naturally impairs the human body. These forms of behavior are distractions because they affect the other student’s ability to learn and focus on the lesson. Again drastic measures should be the best strategy in handling this type of behavior. The most important thing is to remember the student’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing may be unstable. Referring the student to the administration office is necessary as well as direction the school counselor. Asking the parents or guardian to become more actively involved in the student’s life may be needed as well. All these strategies should be applied to substance abuse as well and will help contribute to the prevention of future occurrences of this form of behavior.

Creating excessive noise is one of the lesser extreme forms of disruptive behavior. Examples of this type of behavior would be shuffling through papers while the instructor is giving the lesson, constantly going through one’s backpack, and even sharpening a pencil while other students are taking a test or quiz. This type of behavior is disruptive because noise is distracting and makes it hard for students to focus on the lesson at hand. The best way to handle this type of behavior is to ask all the students to come prepared for class by making sure that all materials required for the day or taken out prior to the beginning of class, any test, or lesson. Students would not need to be dismissed from class unless the behavior becomes repetitive and is being used as a form of disrespect.

Failing to respect others is another form of disruptive behavior. This form of behavior is generally enacted by the student disagreeing with other students or even the instructor. An example would be an instructor asking a student a question during class about the lesson and as the student answers the question having another student interrupt them or even use rude and offensive remarks towards the student as they answer or after. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion which should be respected. The best strategy to handle this type of behavior is to ask all students to wait until called upon to participate or voice their opinions. As well as to understand that everyone one is different and their ideas and beliefs may different from their own. Next step would be to dismiss the student from class if this basic rule cannot be followed and respected.

Linsin, M.. N.p.. Web. 2 Oct 2013. .

. N.p.. Web. 2 Oct 2013. .

Silverman, L.. N.p.. Web. 3 Oct 2013. .

Snyder, B.. N.p.. Web. 3 Oct 2013. .

Weimer, M.. N.p.. Web. 2 Oct 2013. .

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