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Submitted By daz130
Words 252
Pages 2
Assignment – Front Cover

Students are required to use the enclosed Assignment Front Cover when submitting assignment. This is a MANDATORY requirement and the College will not accept any assignment received without the attached Assignment Front Cover. Kindly ensure that the Assignment Front Cover is not blocked by anything. Any fanciful cover that you would like to enclose should be placed after the Assignment Front Cover.
Copies of the Assignment Front Cover are available at the information counter at the respective College in which you are studying. Kindly ensure that all details requested for on the front cover are completed and that the recipient of your assignment counter signs, acknowledging receipt.
Remember to keep a copy of the assignment cover sheet as proof of submission.

|[Type College Name] |

[Type Subject Name]

Executive Summary

[Type short paragraph on the outline of assignment which is relevant to the assignment being presented]

Student Particulars

|Name | | |
|IC Number | | |
|Student Number | | |
|Course | | |
|Subject Title | | |
|Subject Code | | |
|Mode of Study | |( Full-Time ( Part-Time ( Independent Learning ( E-Learning |
|Name of Lecturer | | |
|Due Date | | |
|College | | |
| |
|Declaration by student: |
|I, _________________, hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism|
|or another form of cheating, my work will be referred to the Programme Director who may, as a result recommend to the Examinations |
|Board that my enrolment in the programme be discontinued. |
| |
|Acknowledgement of receipt |
| |
| |
|____________ _____________ |
|Date Received Signature of Receiving Officer |

----------------------- [Type College Address]

[Type Title of Assignment]

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