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400m Research Paper

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The athlete pushes his body to the limits to try and get gold in the 400. There are many ways an athlete can run a four hundred meter race. When first starting to compete in the 400 meter, it is helpful to learn a method of running the race that works best for the individual athlete. Once the athlete finds the method that works best for them, the athlete can start to work on increasing speed and stamina.

When running in the 400m the first 100 can be crucial. First, set up the starting blocks correctly, so coming out of the blocks is a smooth transition. There are many strategies for running a 400m. One strategy is to explode off the blocks and then conserve energy for the last part of the race. To do that, the athlete should go out for the …show more content…
When the athlete is coming out of the corner and entering the backstretch the athlete does not want to slow down, but needs to conserve energy for the finish line. A float phase is when you start to lengthen your stride and relax your body. You want to be in the float phase the whole back stretch. During the float phase you can find out where you are in the race and what you need to do to get good results. The athlete stays in the float phase until he hits the last 200 meter mark. This is when the athlete will push his limits. The athlete will start to shorten his stride and speed up. When running the last 200 meters the athlete needs to make sure he stays relaxed and keep good form. This can make or break the race. The human body can go through much more pain than one would think, it's the mind that determines how you finish the race. When finishing up the race the athlete needs to make sure he keeps good form and keeps pumping through the pain and exhaustion. The last 50 meters will feel like it is going in slow motion and the athlete needs to make sure to go as hard as he can and run with good form until he crosses the finish

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