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Abolishing Capital Punishment In England

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It can be very difficult for a family member that have lost someone to the death penalty to express their loved one’s situation with the death penalty. Death penalty is also known as capital punishment or execution. Communities from all over the world have used this punishment at one point in history, in order to avenge criminals. Most common reasons for being sentenced to death were war crimes, war treason, murder, theft, property damage, practicing magic, and espionage. In America and England, there are still cases where the death penalty occurs. In America, the idea of capital punishment has been proposed to be abolished but was rejected. In England, the idea of capital punishment was abolished first and came back into the people’s lives. The idea of abolishing capital punishment is similar in America and in England because it was thought to be abolished by both countries but was approved in England. In America, proposals were made to abolish capital punishment, but were not successful, while in England capital punishment is abolished, which holds meaning to the people in both countries.
The United States has had the death penalty since the eighteenth century. Execution in the United States became the first legal system which continues to enforce the law and its responsibilities. The death …show more content…
Many lives were lost within both countries. In both countries, juveniles up to eighteen, and mentally ill individuals were not able to be executed. Many of the prominent leaders in both countries had an opinion to consider the idea of abolishing the death penalty. America set out proposals and England sent the idea through the House of Lords in the attempt for executions the be abolished. However, some states in America abolishing capital punishment was not successful as much as it was in England. In both countries, the idea of abolishing the death penalty was successful in that country’s own

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