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Abraham Lincoln's Beliefs During The Civil War: The Radical Republicans

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The Radical Republicans, a group of Abraham Lincoln’s own Republican Party aided the President to make some large decisions. The group lasted for 23 years, from 1854 to 1877 and were a faction of American politicians with the Republican Party. This group agreed and disagreed with many opinions with President Lincoln, which made an impact on the result of the war and occurrences throughout it. One of the tasks the Radical Republicans and Lincoln disagreed on was the Reconstruction plan. The Radical Republicans were critical to the foundation of American because they guided an answer to a few of the important questions that Lincoln needed a second opinion on. The Radical Republicans agreed with Abraham Lincoln that the Union needed to enter and fight in the Civil War to …show more content…
After the Civil War came to a conclusion, the Radicals wanted an expeditious clean up from the blood and tears that were shed from the war. They wanted all the slaves freed rapidly and given their civil rights as an American citizen. The group wanted any former Confederate that fought and supported the Confederacy for four years and Confederate leaders penalized. In addition, the Radicals agreed with the treason charges that were put on the former Confederate leaders. The group wanted the Confederacy to pay for their actions towards the slaves, but to blame them and name them the “bad guys” of the Civil War is unjust. Countless former Confederates did treat their slaves like dirt, but since they lived in isolation and had narrow minded views, some did not know any better. Their attitude also came from the entitlement of being able to do what they want with their “property” being that they bought the slaves. The tears and misfortune of the African Americans did not go without mention because if these farmers did not have access to the free labor, American would not be as advance as it is

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