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Acct 429 Research Paper


Submitted By kiran1111
Words 32698
Pages 131
ACCT 429 DeVry University

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS This assignment is being distributed solely for your use in completing the Week 3 project in DeVry University’s online Accounting 429 class. This assignment is an individual assignment, and you are to complete it without any outside assistance by any other student, individual, or outside materials, other than those specifically permitted by the problem. Any violations of these requirements will be addressed as an academic integrity violation. Similarly, this assignment may not be shared with any other student at any time, even after your completion of the course. Students to do so may be subject to sanctions pursuant to DeVry’s academic integrity policy, even though they may no longer be enrolled in Accounting 429.

Week 3 Research Project (Set #1) DeVry University Acct 429

Performing tax research is an important part of tax practice. As outlined in Chapter 2 of your textbook, tax law is developed through a number of different governmental entities. Congress enacts the tax Code as statutory law. The Treasury Department is tasked with the implementation of the tax Code and, in the course of doing so, develops a number of documents and materials to aid taxpayers in understanding the Treasury Department's interpretation of the code, including the Regulations. In turn, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS”) has the direct responsibility for implementing the tax Code and in assessing and collecting the applicable tax from taxpayers. In the course of its duties, it also develops a number of materials, including Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, and Private Letter Rulings, in which it sets forth its understanding of the tax laws. Finally, the federal courts decide tax cases in which taxpayers contest the government's interpretation of the tax laws. In deciding these cases, the

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