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Action vs Traditional Research


Submitted By burchfire
Words 693
Pages 3
Action vs. Traditional Research
Marissa Burchette
July 2, 2013
Sherri Gelbard

Action vs. Traditional Research
The purpose of this paper is to define action and traditional research and describe uses for each. The author will also compare and contrast the differences between action and traditional research. Examples of how action research is used in the classroom or work environment will be discussed.
According to (n.d.), action research is inquiry in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance. The results are evaluated to help improve the current situations or practice. The research is conducted either by individuals or in teams often called as collaborative inquiry. Data from different sources are gathered and evaluated in order to see how improvements can be incorporated within the research and applied for future use.
Action research is learning by doing, basically identifying a problem, resolving it, and depending how the results was and if not satisfied, re-evaluate. Action research deals with solving real problems and is used in real rather than experimental situations. It is used because a change needs to be implemented, but are not sure how it approach it successfully. The process entails self-study; to increase awareness by focusing on the intentions, methods, or wanted result of the research.
Action research has the capability of producing quality improvements in schools. This gives instructors the opportunities to reflect on how effective their teaching styles are; to try out new teaching methods and use other available resources; to share new ideas and collaborative with their colleagues; and to ultimately make a final decisions which approaches will be included in the final report. Instructors use both the quantitative and qualitative research methods. Qualitative methods,

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