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Activated Charcoal Research Paper

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Activated Charcoal The Latest Super Ingredient For Gorgeous Skin

Who could think that charcoal could be used as a beauty product? These days every beauty product boasts about the powerful ingredient charcoal. From blotting papers, soaps, face wash, night creams to sponges, shampoo, and even juices are loaded with activated charcoal. As it removes poison, toxins from the body it is actively used in healthcare and now due to its fabulous results on the skin it is used for beautifying skin. Charcoals are made by burning the wood in the absence of oxygen when you heat this charcoal at a higher temperature, then you get a porous substance called activated charcoal which draws up the dirt, grime and other impurities from the skin. Basically, it cleanses the skin effortlessly and a perfect beauty product for acne prone skin, oily skin beauties. However apart from these, we have listed various other benefits of activated charcoal, take a look. …show more content…
Shrinks pores:
The polluted air takes a toll on the skin and that is why it is very normal to have clogged pores due to dirt, dust, debris. These clogged pores then result in blackheads, breakouts, and dull skin, but when you use activated charcoal as a scrub it will pull out the debris and even tighten your pores. Activated charcoal has tremendous cleansing properties leaving your face fresh and smooth.

2. Reduces oiliness from skin:
Activated charcoals are best for the piquing hot summer when your skin naturally turns sweaty and oily. Activated charcoal will act like a magnet and does not only remove dirt but even balances the oil on the skin. Use a face mask or a face wash and keep oily skin and acne, breakouts at bay.

Tip: if you have dry skin then it is best to stay away from charcoal products as it might dry your skin even

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