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Administrative Ethics Paper


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Administrative Ethics Paper

Administrative Ethics Paper

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing has a current article named “Caring for Patients While Respecting Their Privacy: Renewing Our Commitment”. The basis of the article concerns the ethical and legal issues concerning the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” otherwise known as (HIPPA). This law has impacted the healthcare industry and the way in which healthcare workers conduct themselves with patients, their families, and with one another. In nursing the importance of confidentiality has always been the forefront of patient care. The current Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA,2001) is clear in its intent and meaning as it relates to the nurses primary role in promoting and advocating patient’s rights relating to privacy and confidentiality. Every nurse has always understood the need for patient confidentiality even before (HIPPA) was law. Truth being with advanced technology, new demands in healthcare, and recent developments in the world at large has made it more difficult to keep this promise. But keep it they must.
As healthcare workers on any given day we hear and see private and confidential information, it is our duty to protect it. On occasion we do become comfortable with patient’s medical information that it can be easy to forget that as healthcare workers how important it is to keep information secure and private. Thus, a recommended solution to this issue is to recap the -privacy section of the “Health Insurance Portability Act” and refer to it as a guide to fully be able to protect patient confidentiality. The article is written to provide healthcare professionals information about the importance of keeping patient’s medical information secure and private. Reminding nurses and healthcare workers the main purpose of HIPPA and reviewing the implications of this Act for

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