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America In The Early 1800s Dbq

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America in the early 1800s, specifically 1800 to 1850, was beginning to move towards an industrialized society, with the factory system in the North, the cotton gin in the South, and more people moving out West. People came from all over to come to the US to find a new life, and because of this the US became a diverse country. Yet with all these improvements, the US didn't improve for everyone. Slavery was still practiced in a horrible amount in the South, especially because cotton was money, women had little say in anything, the US government was forcing Native Americans from their land to make room for new white settlers, immigrants into the country faced prejudice, and so many other groups lacked the rights that America is known …show more content…
Like so many other groups of people Native Americans were not treated equally in early 1800s America because they did not have equal social and political rights. Andrew Jackson know for the awful Indian Removal Act, which forcibly relocated thousands of people from their homes to an area west of the Mississippi River. A group of Cherokee people signed a treaty that accepted this, but they were unauthorized to do this and did not represent the entire tribe, who disagreed with the it. In a letter protesting this treaty (Document 2), they wrote, "...we do solemnly and earnestly protest against that false treaty...We are told that the president refuses to meet with Chief John Ross in relation to the treaty. The president will not delay the actions called for in the treaty." Though the Cherokee government is protesting against the treaty that they do not agree with, like any other group would in the US, the US government refuses to listen to their objections and they do not have a say in their own treatment. The whole purpose of the ideals the US government was founded …show more content…
Among many groups of people there both Native Americans and immigrants from other countries lacked social and political rights written in the Declaration of Independence. These ideal aims were not achieved, and it needs to be recognised that this happened. History shouldn't be just focusing on the positives or the improvements, but also realizing the mistakes and how life may not have been great for everyone. Moreover, for this particular topic, understanding it may improve life today, as we can try to make society less full of prejudice and

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